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  1. P

    how much would my electric bill be if i had.. READ

    I was writing the last post, as you were writing the one previous, so you already addressed many of the problems i mentioned.. Sounds like you have the cash, and if you do have a person who has a lot of skills growing, then maybe go for it. You might want to have some professionals who set up...
  2. P

    how much would my electric bill be if i had.. READ

    First of all the ONLY way you are going to be able to get away with a grow like that is to set up in an industrial area. you will need to have probably anywhere between 5-10k just to set up the place with all that equipment. (Rewiring is necessary. No room in any house should have more than 2...
  3. P

    LoudBlunts = troll

    email 468 said "whip that horse! you'll fit right in." Come on, i'm tryin to stop this. I'll even go private if he wants to talk about it so all you nice people dont have to read it! Thank you for your welcome.
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    LoudBlunts = troll

    LB i forgot to apologise for referring to you as she. That is all you were referred to in the first 2 pages. And also for mispelling your name. Just saw lordblunts for some reason, and stuck to it. Email468 and kochab, thank you for your advice and kind words. I totally understand where...
  5. P

    LoudBlunts = troll

    Lb, if i knew how to pm you to handle this privately, i would. All the sources for what i said came from the first 2 pages of this post. So that is where i got the information for what i was saying. Maybe refresh your memory, i'm not going to waste more space on this post as everyone else...
  6. P

    LoudBlunts = troll

    I understand the "why" of what i did was wrong, but i dont think the "what" was wrong at all. I think all my arguments were right on. As email468 stated "we ain't saying if LB was right or wrong - we ARE saying UF was wrong for starting this thread." I understand and agree that UF was wrong...
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    LoudBlunts = troll

    Did either of you read my last post?????????????????????????????????????????????????
  8. P

    LoudBlunts = troll

    Actually when i put my post here, i had only gotten to page 2, didnt see that there were 32 pages of this bullshit. I thought i was chiming in on the second page. and i dont know where the other thread is, nor do i want to. I totally agree that this topic should not have been started. But the...
  9. P

    LoudBlunts = troll

    Loudblunts, just cause the fda hasnt done any studies does not make all the breeders experience, or growers out there any less valid than if they did. Look, i'm new and i dont know either of you, but it just seems funny to me, lordblunts, that in one sentence you say that "any research on...
  10. P

    Good Seed Sites

    Definately BCBD. Some people give them a bad rap from internet content from years ago, but they are very reputable. I cannot speak for the past, but i have gotten both orders i ordered from them within 2 weeks, and the genetics are awesome! I absolutely love the sweet god, and the purps aint...
  11. P

    LED Spot Lights

    They are getting there, but i think it is going to be a few years at least before the technology of leds progresses enough to produce the intensity of light necessary for stromg dense bud growth. Once they are there, i'm on board, but not yet. Hid is still the way to go for flowering.
  12. P

    $200 volcano

    Yeah i tried using a heat gun and made my own bag assembly. It works very good, but it dosent taste the best. Everything you put in tastes the same. So i got a volcano. I'll be damned if it dosent taste almost the same! I've had a lot of fun with my volcano though, especially at parties...
  13. P

    will these seeds produce good pot

    Mids is just a way of describing weed. Mid grade. Not the best, not the worst, in the middle. I also agree that some good weed can be grown from bagseed. I've done it, in fact, i grew bag weed for my first 4 grows. I grew seeds from about 10 different bags, all different weed. Some were...
  14. P

    First time indoor, what to expect?

    Dont worry about producing too much co2 with yeast. Youd have to have a couple 5 gallon pails going in a small sealed room with no vents in order to overdo it, so dont worry. I say, if you dont have room for plants indoors under the light, why not put them outside? Nothing to loose. If you...
  15. P

    The heaviest yielder plant on the galaxy!!

    Have you grown before?
  16. P

    I think my seeds got pinched by the man

    Hey, Greatdane19, if you are not happy with BCBD seeds germination rates, they will replace all seeds that did not pop if they are BCBD strains!!! Just go to their forum and post 5 times (in order to send a pm) and pm BCBD and they will take care of you. How many places replace seeds that...
  17. P

    I think my seeds got pinched by the man

    FYI, customs no longer sends "we got your seeds" letters. This lets the sender know that the dea knows how you send the seeds so they can change their method. Dea does not want this. They want to know what to be looking for, so they are now keeping their mouth shut. They will sometimes send...
  18. P

    anyone have experience with bcbud depot

    I know i am a newb, but i am a regular on a couple other forums, and just had to chime in here. I dont know what the problems that BCBD has had in the past, but what ever it is, rest assured, it has been taken care of. They send out hundreds upon hundreds of orders, and each month, a few dont...