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  1. James Bond

    A spicy smell?

    I did use miracle grow, but not a stick. It is a miracle grow flowering fert. The smell is like a cooking spice and I noticed it after I began using molasses, but the buds look just as healthy and are maturing normally it seems.
  2. James Bond

    Procyon LED. Newbie Help, aero garden

    I guess put simply you're correct, but I don't want to be a pioneer I just want to use tried and true methods for growing pot. I personally don't have the money to put on an experiment to grow enough for myself. If it was priced better then yeh I may say what the hell, but that is not the...
  3. James Bond

    A spicy smell?

    Could some one comment on this? at least call me an idiot for thinking my bud has a spicy smell.
  4. James Bond

    Procyon LED. Newbie Help, aero garden

    I think that you should wait until they get to that point, otherwise I feel it's a waste of money. If you wan't to spend the money then by all means spend, but I wouldn't. Why not spend less and get a proven light choice?
  5. James Bond

    Procyon LED. Newbie Help, aero garden

    I won't argue this, LED's will one day be equal to or outperform current lighting however at this moment what the general public can't feasibly get their hands on just doesn't cut it.
  6. James Bond

    Procyon LED. Newbie Help, aero garden

    I'm not talking about Rollitup, I'm referring to anything on the web that is credible. If you have proof from a credible source post it.
  7. James Bond

    A spicy smell?

  8. James Bond

    Best Way 2 Ventilate A Closet Grow?

    I just checked Lowes' web site and for my area they go for $18.60 and I checked another state and they went for $24(NY), so they are very inexpensive.
  9. James Bond

    Best Way 2 Ventilate A Closet Grow?

    I got mine at Lowes, actually got everything at lowes. You could even go to home depot or any other home improvement store. If I remember correctly mine cost $18. Measure your current door and if it is a standard size they will have one there that matches. You may have to chisel away part of...
  10. James Bond

    Best Way 2 Ventilate A Closet Grow?

    It's really not that involved, all you do is move some door hardware from one door to the other and cut some holes. It takes car of ventilation and smell. Also no one thought anything and if they ask you can say there are utilities in that closet.
  11. James Bond

    Best Way 2 Ventilate A Closet Grow?

    I had a closet grow that I went a purchased a cheap interior door and two flat vent faces, one bigger than the other. I cut holes in the door to match the vent facings. I put charcoal filters in the holes and built a shelf on the larger hole and put a fan on it to pull air out of the closet...
  12. James Bond

    Some Of My Bubble Hash I Just Mad With My Bubble Bags

    3rd pic makes me think of little debbie fudge brownies, mmmmmmm brownies:weed:
  13. James Bond

    A spicy smell?

    Sorry no pics any more current then what is in my album. I was checking my plant last night and turned it like I do every day and noticed a spicy smell on my buds. I wasn't sure I was smelling the bud or something else. I lightly touched one of the buds and smelled my fingers and it was a...
  14. James Bond

    You Really Want It Legal?

    I'm not sure if this is a joke or if you are just trying to get a few people angry and generate some responses. Anyways it isn't even socially acceptable among most of my peers especially my coworkers, so I definitely don't do it because it is "cool".
  15. James Bond

    Typical Fox News on Marijuana

    I don't believe he really thinks that way. I believe he is using negative propaganda and strait out lies to support his argument, which makes him worse than ignorant people saying the same thing.
  16. James Bond

    Procyon LED. Newbie Help, aero garden

    Why don't we compare total size of the fixture? Besides like mentioned cost of the lights for what you get out of them is also a good argument for the HID/HPS. The fact is no matter how much any one wants to argue it there has yet to be a proven grow showing LEDs are supperior. Oh, and we...
  17. James Bond

    You Really Want It Legal?

    I agree with you and was actually going to say the same thing about how it could keep it out of reach from minors. However the opposing argument to that would most certainly be that legalizing it would just make it more readily available in general. It would take the "dealer" out of the...
  18. James Bond

    L.E.D. grow lights?

    We will have to agree to disagree then. I hope it works out for you, but I sincerely don't believe you will get the results you want with LEDs. Also, I am sorry to hear about you losing your job. I am getting laid off as well, Friday is my last day. I don't know if I would consider my job...
  19. James Bond

    You Really Want It Legal?

    I really don't see any negatives to it being legalized, but I would grow my own also.
  20. James Bond

    You Really Want It Legal?

    lol, yeh I'm a cop. So you fall into that third category then?