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  1. D

    How early can I induce flowering?

    I mean take the plant out the pot. take a bucket bigger then the pot was and soak the plants base in luke warm water.(luke warm loosens the soil faster 74 degrees) . hold the trunk of the plant and swirl it around. very gently. the dirt will come away from the roots and rootball. you should be...
  2. D

    How early can I induce flowering?

    Long as in height or time? if height then tie the branches down or keep topping it. if time then yeah some sativa's can go really long like 12 to 14 weeks
  3. D

    How early can I induce flowering?

    qwizoking is right. a month?? if i were you i would gently wash all the dirt away from the roots by soaking the base of the plant in water.(removing from pot first) then repot.Your soil needs much better drainage. if i were you i would use co co coir or perlite mixed in the soil.i use 30% coco...
  4. D

    Anyone seen this ..

    i remember the first time i had mites. i thought i couldnt find them either. pic 3 is mites,i'm 99.9% sure,(the other 0.01 percent reserved for some new fungus that mimics mites)the easiest way to tell is take your microscope and thump and heavy spotted leaf on some dark papper and watch. i did...
  5. D

    Does Tap water Significantly lower yeilds.

    wow thanks for the quick reply arcaned and grorite! my yeilds are getting good too with only tap. just was looking for anytips to get them even better.
  6. D

    Does Tap water Significantly lower yeilds.

    Hello growers. This is my first post ever, glad to be here! Usually i just always read post for answers.Would love to get some good insight to a matter of mine. I use tap water, I don't let it sit for 24 hours. p.h. is not a issue. I grow in soil and coco. i was told by a pro-grower that tap...