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  1. Slz209

    Sweet I was hoping one of u guys remembered uve tried getting a hold of Andre he invited me at...

    Sweet I was hoping one of u guys remembered uve tried getting a hold of Andre he invited me at te show to come check out apache and all that stuff I'd like to meet up with you also I want to start posting my grows on here and maybe you can help me figure it out. 209-595-2702 is my number hit me...
  2. Slz209

    Tags High Efficiency Lighting Garden

    What's up tags I met u at the maximum yield show I was talking about buying the apache with my wife Im from modesto. Anyways you gave me a buisness card with your roll it up info thought I'd stop by and say what's up I'm trying to figure this forum out to get some grows posted
  3. Slz209

    What's up I'm new to this posting on roll it up but I met you you at the maximum yield sf show i...

    What's up I'm new to this posting on roll it up but I met you you at the maximum yield sf show i was interested in the apache with my wife