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  1. 2

    Seed storage

    I keep mine in a pill bottle in the freezer, had some I forgot about last year and went to germ a few and I got 8 out of 8 to germ no issues, and the national seed bank stores seeds in freezing temps so i figure it shouldnt be an issue. I also keep all my habanero and other regular seeds in the...
  2. 2

    What is this?(Overfert, CO2 Poison?!?!) Day 27 flowering

    I never let my temps get higher than 77 but that's just me, but iv also never had any issues other than a bit to much water, but high temps and lots of nutes don't work to well together, and this particular plant may just have a weaker root system, remember all plants are different and take...
  3. 2

    Red/purple leaves + rusty spots

    this may help
  4. 2

    What is this?(Overfert, CO2 Poison?!?!) Day 27 flowering

    could be your temps accompanied by a nute problem could be burn or it may need potasium maybe (dont do any feeding until some others chime in though) how much do you feed it? whats your ph? , & your buds look fine though
  5. 2

    lingering problem.... any idea what it may be?

    You think That's causing it to wilt? I didn't think that would cause the wilting only the curled tips, but thanks for the reply ill definitely look into it abit further & an yea we figured out awhile back that we had a smudge to much nuts since we were nuting half strength and the soil already...
  6. 2

    Mid leaves are curling under

    pic? and from what your explaining it sounds as if it could be over nute but we would need a pic and to know what your set up is
  7. 2

    lingering problem.... any idea what it may be?

    so only one of my plants is having this issue, its a smudge droopy so i figured i was over watering, and i have cut back on the water till the soil was dry at the depth of my full middle finger, and its still pretty droopy.... the leaves are a nice dark green as it did have a bit to much...