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  1. P

    Mid leaves are curling under

    Hey guys, I need some input as to what may be the issue. I have three white widow plants in a small grow personal grow environment, and its the 5th week into flowering. I use fox farm hydro nutrients, the plants get watered every other 15min for 12 hours. Is this to much should it be once every...
  2. P

    Brown spots in flowering

    Yea the pH is usually good, I use the pH indicator so I keep it looking yellow/green color. Any suggestion on how to make up for the calcium def?
  3. P

    Brown spots in flowering

    Haha right on, rookie mistake. Here's a pic from today.
  4. P

    Brown spots in flowering

    Hey guys, I'm in need of some advice, I'm growing a few white widow plants and they have been flowering for 3 weeks now, in the past 2 weeks they have developed brown/rust colored spots growing interiorly outward on the top fan leaves. The grow set up is small and personal, it's hydroponic drip...