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  1. S

    Wall Locker Grow... All ideas and suggestions welcome!!!

    I hope so. I'm fortunate to have access to a lot of equipment and tools that most people dont also. It should turn out pretty clean. I'm hoping to automate the locker is I can do it at an affordable price.... I stress AFFORDABLE. LOL!
  2. S

    Wall Locker Grow... All ideas and suggestions welcome!!!

    Thanks Jerry. I actually forgot to list it. lol! I have a 6'' sunleaves silencer also.
  3. S

    Wall Locker Grow... All ideas and suggestions welcome!!!

    So In the spirit of nostalgia (and my resourcefulness on Craigslist) I acquired 2 military wall lockers CHEAP. They were the same exact wall lockers I used in the barracks when I was a young Marine so it was destiny. lol!!! Anyway.... I've only grown on a large scale when I lived in San...
  4. S

    Amazon/Ebay Greenlamp leds?

    I know I'm late to the party on this thread but I just wanted to chime in about Greenlamp. I've done extensive research on LED's. I have years of experience with HID's both personal and commercial grows when I lived in San Diego. It seems all companies make the same claims.... They're better...