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  1. bobireland

    Shine some light on the matter?

    right so folks im of to buy a light tommoro for veggin,i have E200 to spend,what would yous recommend,please help us out here coz moneys tight n i dnt wanna get ripped of,:confused::confused:
  2. bobireland

    Room Size???

    Roughly what size room would you need to grow 40-50 plants in??
  3. bobireland


    hey im just starting out and getting things ready for my first grow,this site is amazing you guys realy know your stuff,just wanna say thanks to you guys the info on here is brilliant id be lost without it,thanks and im sure ill have lots of questions soon enough haha
  4. bobireland

    Growing in wardrobe

    right change of plan im thinking about growing in a wardrobe its 3foot wide,6foot high,2foot deep, How many plants could i put in this?? i want to get as many as i can, :confused::confused:
  5. bobireland

    starting out advice needed

    cheers thank you,ill have a look at it now
  6. bobireland

    Welcome New Members!

    hey everyone,just tought id say hey im only starting out with my first grow wish me luck haha,
  7. bobireland

    starting out advice needed

    thanks for your info,just a quick question i dont mean to sound stupid here but how would i know if my seeds were feminized,the ones i have i bought them there white widow,is there any way to know if they are feminized?? sorry if thats a stupid question
  8. bobireland

    starting out advice needed

    hi everyone this is my first post here,this is going to be my first attemp at growing so i dont know much,any advice would be greatly appreciated, the room i will be using is about 8foot in length,4foot in width,and about 8foot in height,i have 15 seeds would i be able to grow that many plants...