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  1. J

    Help please.Long stems replanted..worried about lighting schedule..very new to this

    Sorry bout the upside down pics.. Still not very good with this iPad..that 3 pics is of the same plant but seems to be lookin purty good I think..still a newbie tho..lemme know what ya think.. Just so ya know.....Tigers don't change their stripes an a fish outta water can't survive yo.
  2. J

    Help please.Long stems replanted..worried about lighting schedule..very new to this

    Thanks everyone for the advise. Got them in separate containers..anxious as hell lol. They seem to be doing good tho. When should I b able to tell if they are females? Also does this setup seem ok for 4 plants? Any suggestions appreciated..
  3. J

    Help please.Long stems replanted..worried about lighting schedule..very new to this

    prob 6in...any idea how long should i leave them in the vegg state before i go to 12 an 12?
  4. J

    Help please.Long stems replanted..worried about lighting schedule..very new to this

    These were all planted at the same time in separate solo cups but they were growing only stems and falling over so I repotted them all up very close to the bottom leaves 13 days days ago an they look like this now. My lighting was 24 hours on but I switched to 20 and 4 five days ago. Should I...