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  1. Rosanna

    Welcome New Members!

    I've sent "support" questions asking the same thing a couple days ago, but no reply. Created an album, but there's no option to add photos and no access to many features. I didn't see, in the FAQ, that there was a probation period or minimum post... Didn't see any setting issues that would...
  2. Rosanna

    Welcome New Members!

    They are quite lovely. Really impressed with how organised your set up is. Great work!
  3. Rosanna

    Welcome New Members!

    The space is ready and the order for the system has been placed. 67" x 44" x 24"
  4. Rosanna

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello all! Hope this finds you well. We have finally decided to grow our own medicine, so we are looking at the Dual Spectrum II Bubbleponics® Complete Kit as our starter. The reviews look pretty decent (as long as the directions are followed and CLEAN everything first). I will share photos of...