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  1. D

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    It doesnt matter which side goes to which, just connect both and your good.
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    When should I start flowering.

    I just put a Himalayan gold in a very small cupboard underthe stairs. And only have like 12 inches of growth height. I now have it in a small about 20 oz pot for more growth room. At what height and how many nodes should I begin flowering it to have enough height as well. It is being growen...
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    How can I clean my attic's baseboard. Photos inside.

    I would as its the roof of my home but have no expiernce or the tools to install something of that magnitude.
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    How can I clean my attic's baseboard. Photos inside.

    I live in NYC, it gets pretty hot in here but I have no choice as I have to grow with no one in my home to notice. I plan to put a huge fan but not much else I can do for temp control realistically. Also is there an alternative to pump style garden fan as I'm on a tight budget.
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    How can I clean my attic's baseboard. Photos inside.

    No one has been ever inside my house's baseboard as its behind the wall on the 3rd floor but I mad a hole in the closet wall and see the baseboard thats filled with dust and looks filthy but a perfect hidden spot in my house no one could find. I want to clean it to have a grow in there as I...
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    Garbage Can as grow room?

    I have decided to use my garbage can as a grow room for my one plant. I have 8x 26 watt and 1 40 watt CFL. I want it to be stealth so no one will notice. Except now when I look at the temperture inside I see its about 84 degrees with a fan blowing inside. There is an AC on in the room and its on...
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    Help with basic electric wiring

    i have read up on it and i think i know what to do I am not sure which type of cable to purchase though. 14-1 or 14-2 whats the diffince exactly.
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    Help with basic electric wiring

    As I have said before I am on a tight budget so cant hire anyone as well as tell anyone about my grow operation, but I am willing to learn given someone explains it to me carefully as well as any electrical equipment I need.
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    Help with basic electric wiring

    I want to make a stealth grow in my closet and that you dont see any cords going into the closet, which would make people less inclined to go look what I got going on. On the other side of the wall of the closet is an outlet. I want to know if I can make a hole in the wall of the closet until I...
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    Should I invest in some sort of odor control

    I have read the article and think I want to go with an ozone cleaner or carbon scrubbers, now I have to find one for around 50 bux total and that works good. Can anyone please give me advice on which and a good place to get it.
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    Should I invest in some sort of odor control

    I am able to spend no more then like $50 on something that will definitley get the job done, btw its a kinda small closet. If you can recommend what to get guys, and where is the best place to get it for my money that would be awesome.
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    Should I invest in some sort of odor control

    I am about to start growing for the first time in my home, my room is on the 3rd floor and I plan to grow it in a closet. I have ordered the Himalayan Gold strain from drchronic. I would not like my parents to smell the plant as they dont want me to grow I know. My parents come upstairs to my...
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    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    Hey anyone know where you can get the lighting fixtures and reflective hoods for 42 watt CFL as I want to have the same setup as the book, but I cant find any of those things, not sure what type of store would have them and cant find it online, any help would be greatly appreciated.