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  1. bosanac196

    certain death for my plant?

    common people wdf no 1 knows?
  2. bosanac196

    certain death for my plant?

    I am foreced to take my plant outside cant keep it in the house no more and its been flowering for almost 3 weeks. Is there any chance of survival??
  3. bosanac196

    rain water need help fast

    i kept a bucket outside to collect some rainwater.. i heard that rainwater has nitrogen do i gotta worry about over fertilizing using this water or can i just use this???
  4. bosanac196

    omg where can i get this shit

    i just checked the panda film out online looks pretty good im gonna look for that around town. a fire blanket? will one b enough for a room thats 30 X 19 and 41 inches high????
  5. bosanac196

    omg where can i get this shit

    and i just called lowes they didnt even kno wat i was talkin about this place is fucking horrible
  6. bosanac196

    omg where can i get this shit

    u sure that will work as well and its not really christmas time so it would b hard to find
  7. bosanac196

    omg where can i get this shit

    i just called home depot and menards and they dont have mylar. who do i gotta call to find it i really need some for the new grow room and they didnt even kno wat i was talking bout plz help out.
  8. bosanac196

    Stupid Question?

    I got some expert gardener water soluble nutes 10 - 52 - 10.. If i add what im suppose to to the water should i just leave it alone and the water will take in all the nutes or should i mix or shake?:confused:
  9. bosanac196

    MH and HPS

    Would it be best to use MH lights for veggin and HPS lights for the flowering period?
  10. bosanac196

    Growing Questions plz help out

    im scared of mold so im tempted to keep the temps lower
  11. bosanac196

    Growing Questions plz help out

    thx appreciate any help i can get
  12. bosanac196

    Growing Questions plz help out

    Ok someone plz help me out for once. First week of flowering, what should the temp be? Is foliage feeding safe during flowering or should it b avoided?
  13. bosanac196

    male plants

    wat r u gonna smoke the leaves? u dont get any buds wit males
  14. bosanac196

    Alaskan Fish Fertilizer

    IS this shit effective at all or jus useless should i waste my money
  15. bosanac196


    is it ok if i use fertilizer thats like 10 - 52 - 10 or is that to much for my plant to handle it is about 16 inches first week of flowering
  16. bosanac196

    bottom leaf problem or not

    cant put pics up no camera but maybe later today im gonna try borrowing my friends.
  17. bosanac196

    bottom leaf problem or not

    My plant is finishing the first week of flowering now and it is going well.. i have noticed tho that the very bottom leaf is turning a yellowish collor and it is now curling a lil bit wat is this plz help
  18. bosanac196

    lighting question!!!!

    not really sure i have 2 20 watts and i leave about 2 inches from the bulbs and it worked great
  19. bosanac196

    lighting question!!!!

    2 inches should work
  20. bosanac196

    wtf a mushroom

    anybody kno if i leave it in there would it benefit the plant in anyway or harm it wat should i do nukkas