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  1. B

    How many clones by mother plant ?

    I grow in soil and I usaly have about 1'' for the rooting area then maybe 1cm for the stalk and that's all, Hydro will make your plants grow faster but you have to watch the mmp and a bunch of other factors
  2. B

    How many clones by mother plant ?

    I've taken off close to 100 clones off of a 2 foot tall plant, it looked bare as heck but it recovered fast , it all depends on how fast they grow so if they grow fast you can take clones more offtin , if it grows slow then you can't take alot of clones off offtin
  3. B

    Miracle Gro potting soil

    I believe that all soils with nutes in them are based on there tests and not on how we use it for our growing , so I would have to say flushing the soil would take a good amount of nutes out of the soil
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    Miracle Gro potting soil

    I've got seeds from a friend called mango and I used the water in a shot glass method with tap root showing less then 12 hours
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    Noobs Growing Competition

    Hola KANDI, I'm up for a noob grow contest I got some seeds holla at me if you wanna have a contest against me pce