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  1. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    rhizo vs h&g roots excel....which do you guys think is better?
  2. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    do u guys use a flushing agent during the final flush? if so, how do you guys use it? feed one with the flushing agent and then straight water?
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    how much do you guys drop the dosage of a and b when adding pk 13/14? i dropped mine from 10.5 to 10mls but still got a little burn when adding 4 mls of pk 13/14
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    what up jberry... i remember you said that you use the pk 13/14 for two weeks at 4ml/gallon. is that right? which two weeks is it again? im running white fire...which i am told is a 56 to 60 day strain. right now i just started week 3 of flower. not sure when to start using the pk. also...i...
  5. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    so i haven't watered since the last watering...and the girls are greening up pretty nicely. i think i was overwatering. they are in 3 gallon pots so i think what was happening was that the medium was too wet and they weren't taking up nitrogen because of it. but the last two days they have shown...
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    is it possible to get nitrogen lockout even if my ph slurry came out at 6?
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    today is day 9. thanks for the info man. i will lower my ec a little bit and see what happens. thinking i have nitrogen lockout right now.
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    on a .5 conversion scale my ppms would be 700 first watering, 750 second watering, and 800 third watering.
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    so i started some clones in canna coco with canna nutes 8 days ago. they are in 3 gallon pots. 1st watering they were given a total ec of 1.4...consisting of .4 calmag and 1.0 a&b at a ph of 5.8 next time they needed water was 4 days later and that time i gave them ec of 1.5, just upped the a...
  10. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    what is the maximum ec you guys have used on your moms? right now i'm feeding mine at 2.0 and they still are having some deficiencies. slurry is testing at around .55 ec and slurry ph is always between 6 and 6.4 . the runoff is usually coming out at below 2.5 ec. they are huge moms. been...
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    what up i have 4 pretty big mommas in pure canna coco. they have been showing some magnesium deficiency signs...maybe some ph trouble also. when i do a slurry test of the coco i am ending up with 6.4 to 6.5 ph and also only .350 ec. maybe i am just underfeeding in general? been only...
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    what do you guys think about adding rhizotonic to the cloning solution for taking cuttings? and spraying the leaves with rhizo? would that help them root faster?
  13. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    so when i grew in soil i used to use neem oil mixed in with the feeding water every now and then as a preventative of any diseases and pests in the soil. can you do this in coco? will the neem oil cause any gunking up or any staining of the roots? would this be even needed?, or does one of the...
  14. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    do you think you get "cleaner" bud if you use the entire canna line? i would think that using other bloom boosters that are fertilizers also might make the bud more chemmy than using canna boost? just curious to hear your thoughts on that. if cannaboost was at a more reasonable price...would...
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    so is the cannaboost ok to use until harvest? canna schedule says to use it all the way through flowering. it seems to have no ec or ppms to it. i don't think there are any other brand of boosters that can be used up til harvest...most would require being flushed out because they are...
  16. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    i was at around 750 ppms but i've bumped it up to 950 and they are greening up now. thanks for the help man! got another question for you.... what do you think about using blumats with the whole line of canna? would any of them clog the drip lines? often would you change out the...
  17. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    thanks jberry! got another question for you.... so my girls are looking a bit light green in veg right now. would you recommend using a nitrogen boost? if so, for how long and what type of ppms?
  18. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    thanks for the help man... got one more i watered again for the second time...i let them dry out for a few days cause i was seeing signs of overwatering from the first time. today i watered a little bit because the girls were pretty light in pots. I just gave them a little...
  19. S

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    my girls are showing some signs of cal/mag deficiencies but the coco is to wet to feed them again. can I use calimagic as a foliar feed? what kind of ppms?
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    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    oh also something i'm worried i transplanted the cuts yesterday and watered them with a compost tea and canna start and some rhizotonic....i did not use any a and b. is that bad? i didn't water them tonight, and i'm going to be watering them you think that i may have...