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  1. jbud123


    ok thanks for the quick posts just makin sure the ladies aint going stress... we all know what happens when they stress *acne* full of pollen haha
  2. jbud123


    when I change to flowering where should I put the six extra hours on the timer. cut on six hours early or cut off six hours later or could I do three hours on each side???? so other peoples timer time would be helpful thanks.
  3. jbud123

    Cali Connections Larry Og ( sativa or indica)

    look how close th %s are so they both are almost dominate so both traits are gonna show. just mho
  4. jbud123

    how long to cure?

    so its suppose to be really crispy to the touch??
  5. jbud123

    how long to cure?

    made sence to me lol thanks man.
  6. jbud123

    how long to cure?

    + rep how long do u keep the lid off and stuff
  7. jbud123

    how long to cure?

    thanks for a postive post. whats gettin me in the burping??
  8. jbud123

    how long to cure?

    well thanks but if u dont wanna help me just dont post on my forums.
  9. jbud123

    how long to cure?

    calm down lol i know u dont like me but just lookin for help and i will search
  10. jbud123

    how long to cure?

    how long is a normal cure? and how do u know if your done curing.
  11. jbud123

    drying and curing

    im done. done cut them down
  12. jbud123

    drying and curing

    is it drying or curing that gives it the overall smell and taste?? and when will the weed smell come to it instead of the plant smell?
  13. jbud123

    how to slow down drying?

    whats some way to raise rh
  14. jbud123

    how to slow down drying?

    box drying
  15. jbud123

    how to slow down drying?

    im drying to fast and was wonder if there is any way to slow down drying
  16. jbud123


    whats does the fan do anyways?
  17. jbud123


    whats a good easy way to raise my RH?
  18. jbud123


    any wanna help a rui noobie out(:
  19. jbud123

    Drying box ideas ????

    so on teh dry boxes do yall close the top of leave it open? and are yalls fan blowing air in or out?
  20. jbud123


    and do i close the top of the box or leave it open