thanks a lot darknesslives ill check my ph for sure ... and like that coffe idea since im into natural stuff ... now its a couple week later and the plant is looking realleay nice just some kind of ligther stains on the leaves a little bit like if somebody dropped bleach on it can you figure out...
its also funny that dont have any idea of the strain of thar baby cause i bought a indoor mix in a headshop here in QC and it was the only thing they had it cost 30 bucks for 10 seeds its real cheap and only one ever got out of the soil lol and its tat little motherfucker you see here
ok so the
soil we buy can have too much nute aleready ?? and its real cheap soil so it make sense so i shouldnt give it anything just let her do the work ??
so yes im using 4 t5 ho 3 ft . and only 1 fan so ther i no real air outake or anything just a crack in the bottom of the door the humidyty is always about 60 to 80 prcnt and temp beetween 23 and 29 and i have this young plant its my biggest one by the way and its starting to get the tip of the...
i also have a seedling problem they are growing very tall before they even have their leaves and im pretty sure the ligths are pk is there any pther reason why they grow so fast ???