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  1. Doobiest

    An interesting question for you all!

    This sounds like an idea or hypothesis that needs to be proven before I would attempt it. I read a lot and watch others` grows along with videos and though I can state the fact that there are tons of great info out there, I must also state that there are some ideas or so called "facts" quoted...
  2. Doobiest


    Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves are yellow; growth is stunted.... Just one possibility...good luck!
  3. Doobiest

    Two questions...

    Didn`t know that about mirrors. Don`t understand it either but I will try to educate myself on the subject. Thanks
  4. Doobiest

    Two questions...

    It`s a 3 gallon pot. She grew wide from the beginning. The N issue was addressed a few days ago. The pot was flushed and reloaded. Thanks to "the claw"...LOL! Thanks for the response Bak.
  5. Doobiest

    Whats more dangerous?

    All of these answers are connected IMO. The sad thing is that we as a group, tribe, or society have allowed this fear to continue. We have allowed the propaganda to continue also, as we sit quietly in our armchair. Many talk the talk but there are far too few walking the walk. Pharmaceutical...
  6. Doobiest

    just some questions about cloning, need some info

    Made my first clone attempt yesterday. First clipping....LOL...I`ve done everything I know to do from my reading and watching. Your question is a good one if I am understanding it correctly. Something many nubes such as myself may run into down the road ya know. Hope you get a variety of...
  7. Doobiest

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I have always dreamed of visiting my homeland. I am an Irishman trapped in America. I am proud of my Irish heritage and hope someday to go to move to live and eventually die, in Ireland. Guess I`d better at least say something about weed. Ok, I shouldn`t have...
  8. Doobiest

    Two questions...

    Ok, ...First of all there`s a 5 week old plant that has been on 12/12 lighting for the past 7 days. In other words, the 12/12 was started at the end of the 4th week. She has really started to show her self. She is 5 weeks and a day old now. So from this point, should I be thinking that it...
  9. Doobiest

    bottom leaves dyin and tips are clawing and turning yellow!

    Container too small, may be heading towards being root bound, lack of nitrogen and maybe potassium. First week of flowering????
  10. Doobiest

    help new to growing!!

    First of all, you need a larger container. At least a 2 gallon. Preferably 3 gallon. The plant looks to have a Nitrogen deficiency. Move it to a larger container. Check with other sources first but I do believe it looks like Nitrogen issues. Dunno what your growing medium is so.... Don`t...
  11. Doobiest

    help new to growing!!

    First of all, you need a larger container. At least a 2 gallon. Preferably 3 gallon. The plant looks to have a Nitrogen deficiency. Move it to a larger container. Check with other sources first but I do believe it looks like Nitrogen issues. Dunno what your growing medium is so.... Don`t...
  12. Doobiest

    Tips of leaves curling down like a claw

    If that is the case then I`m totally confused because throughout the grow period thus far, the only thing that the plants have been fed with N as an ingredient that I am aware of, is MG and there has been only 1 TBSP per plant added in total. If this is the problem, what do I do...
  13. Doobiest

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    This is a great thread, no doubt!
  14. Doobiest

    Tips of leaves curling down like a claw

    hydrosoil78, Thanks for a reply. This issue was noticed today. It`s also a first grow so forgive the anxiety. The soil was allowed to get too dry a few days ago but since then the watering has been watched more carefully. I read that this "bear claw" issue can be very bad, like the plant...
  15. Doobiest

    Tips of leaves curling down like a claw

    These plants are 1 month and 3 days old in the pictures. Notice the top right hand side of the A4 picture and you can see it well. I`ve read things about this but Im not certain about the cause. There has been no major changes in the feeding. Feeding has been very mild. Aluminum Sulfate and...
  16. Doobiest

    Need serious help with first time grow!!

    Are you positive you haven`t added nutrients?? Because it looks like too much Miracle Grow to me. If that`s not the case try adding a few minerals to your soil. The Ph would have to be way off to cause this so quickly, in fact that doesn`t seem likely. Maybe your water was contaminated...
  17. Doobiest

    Oh no!! What happened??!

    Temp>>>25 degrees C. I`ve sat through a ton of those vids on youtube. Some are pretty good with great information. I`d just like to see what the people here do or think or try,..ya know. Tryin` to be a sponge. Seems to be on a more personal level. But I would like to get the autograph of...
  18. Doobiest

    CFL- almost one month from seed.

    So they`re about 3 weeks from sprout??? They are very beautiful plants.
  19. Doobiest

    Oh no!! What happened??!

    Thanks budman. Read tons about this but I also love to read personal testimonials about anything associated at any stage of the process. Trying to be a sponge ya know. Still got lots to learn. I`d like to see some pictures or videos of someone discussing the process of topping and trimming...
  20. Doobiest

    Oh no!! What happened??!

    Thank God!! This is a first time thing ya know so.... You guys have any advice on trimming or topping. Or what you do when you are getting ready to flower them?? Any advice will be great. Thanks