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  1. T

    will my buds get bigger???

    Looks a lot like my grow. Mine are only about 3 feet but definitely are similar in features. My girls have started to fill in pretty nicely here at the end, too. Good luck with the rest of the grow!
  2. T

    First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering

    Your right about the stretching...newb mistake, I guess. They grew a lot faster then I thought when I switched over to flowering. I hope they continue to fill out. Thanks for checking back in
  3. T

    My first harvest ever!!! *pics*

    Looks incredible, bro. I am about 40 days into flowering mine...2 PPP and 1 Night Shade. I am trying to hold out as long as possible before chopping them but it gets to be pretty tough sometimes...especially because I am out of my regular stuff so no green available until these are done...
  4. T

    2nd week of flowering

    Unfortunately it cant...basically because just like a guy without reproduction possible...pretty freakin useless. Unless, you just like the look of it! How have the buds come along on the girlie?? Any pics? I just put up some updated ones of my girls. They arent too far away from...
  5. T

    19 daY ppp ANY ADVICE?

    Just seeing how the progress is going...I put some new pics of my girls up, too. Are you putting updated pics up soon?
  6. T

    First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering

    Here are the new pics:
  7. T

    First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering

    I just got my magnifying glass today too so I am gonna check the trychs for "readiness"...Auburn and cloudy means chop away, right?!
  8. T

    First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering

    I am going to take some pics today...more and more of the hairs are turning red and the smell is definitely getting stronger. I am off to Puerto Vallerta (sp?) in a little over a week and I will be gone for 7 days so I have to figure out what I am going to do for watering or if they will be...
  9. T

    First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering

    I have 10 60W CFLs on them for 12/12. I used 5 flood lights and then put a outlet splitter in each. Honestly, I didnt use a whole lot of nuts, I bought some soil that already had nutes in it and lasted up to 3 months. Recently I have been giving them some big bloom pellets and mixing in some...
  10. T

    19 daY ppp ANY ADVICE?

    Hey, I am growing 2 feminized PPP plants too...if you get a chance, check out my thread. I'm a first time grower.
  11. T

    First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering

    for the pruning question...yeah, I took off a couple of the bigger fan leafs, they were hiding the bottom buds from the light. It seemed to help because they got bigger fairly quickly after I did some trimming. My plants did about the same thing with doubling in height...went from 17" to 30...
  12. T

    2nd week of flowering

    pollen can travel pretty far! especially if you are going back and forth between them, it can get on your clothes or hands without you noticing. I would say you have a 50/50 chance of them pollinating
  13. T

    First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering

    yeah, I throw about a tablespoon of molasses into there water cycle every other week. How often do you use the molasses on yours??
  14. T

    2nd week of flowering

    yeah, I actually asked where the organic mollasses was and they showed me. Looks like syrup in a glass bottle. I have been using just water and some bloom booster I bought from Pike's Nursery. I have heard that if you give it too much newts then the flavor can be a bit harsh so I have been...
  15. T

    First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering

    Thanks...I hope they double or triple in size the next couple of weeks though. Let me know how yours turn out
  16. T

    2nd week of flowering

    I used it on my grow. I am a couple posts down from yours. Just picked up a bottle of organic mollases from Publix and put a teaspoon in with the regular watering cycle. It's been ok, not too much difference.
  17. T

    First Time Grow...Day 33 Flowering

    I have 3 plants in the flowering stage right 33 to be exact. I let them veg for about 2 months before starting the flowering stage. 2 are Pure Power Plant and 1 is Night Shade. I may be expecting too much but do these look like they arent filling out as much as they should?? I am...
  18. T

    Sexy time!

    Do you all agree that #3 is female?
  19. T

    Sexy time!

    First time grower here. Been flowering about 8 days. I think #1, #2 and #4 are male, #3 could be female. Help please! If I have 3 males, what do I do with them? Do I have to kill them or can I still smoke them? #1 #2 #3 #4