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  1. hempnosis

    Late flower growth spurt

    Usually in the last two weeks is when you will see a big change, thats when the buds start to swell and put on some weight.
  2. hempnosis

    Anyone heard anything about

    You should be good ive used them six times now with no problems. Im not crazy about the big bud but the bubblegum, northern lights and afhgan are great.
  3. hempnosis

    Indoor :: 600W Digital HPS :: All Soil :: BG,NL,BB,TS

    Im assuming you got these seeds from because i have the same strains from them. I very curious to see your big bud because on there site they said it is an indica but mine is sativa dominate, slow growing tall and has super thin leaves almost like the thai stick.The seeds were...
  4. hempnosis

    To Chop or Not to Chop???? [Pics]

    couldnt have said it better myself fdd. spread the knowladge.:peace:
  5. hempnosis

    Making Our Own Monsters

    usually its the male, in my case it usually is anyway. but thats just my experiance, yours could be visa versa. only one way to test it out anyway, try a few differnt combos and see which one you like best. may take awhile, but it will be worth it in the end.:peace:
  6. hempnosis

    To Chop or Not to Chop???? [Pics]

    Im with fdd on this one, chop chop:joint:
  7. hempnosis

    My Grow Diary (+pics)-- Comments Appreciated

    home depot usually has good deals on HPS security light, lowes even.
  8. hempnosis

    My Grow Diary (+pics)-- Comments Appreciated

    sounds like you need some more light, pics would help. but when plants streach it means they are looking for light. i prefer HPS myself, but your space sounds relitivly small, so you might want to go CFL. like i said, pics will help greatly.:peace:
  9. hempnosis

    yellowing of leaves. my only baby left is it ok?

    looks like perfectly normal growth for a seedling, the seed leaves somtimes die off early. just keep an eye on it.
  10. hempnosis

    Weird looking seedling

    hard to tell what it will do since its so young. i have seen it once and it never really grew right and was slightly deformed. just take extra care of it and see what happens
  11. hempnosis

    Need a check (2Weeks 3 Days old) Vegging

    makes sence, well like i said the little ones are lookin healthy, keep on babyin thouse little thing.:peace:
  12. hempnosis

    Need a check (2Weeks 3 Days old) Vegging

    also, why is the one in the last pic so close to the side of the pot?
  13. hempnosis

    Need a check (2Weeks 3 Days old) Vegging

    lookin ok so far, in another week or two you might want to get alittle bigger pots. but all looks well, other than that :joint::hump:
  14. hempnosis

    Can ya make popcorn from hemp seeds?

    it dosnt work, i tried the oil and everthing i could think of. its a no go.
  15. hempnosis

    fellow RIU'ers

    whats up all, been on the site for awhile, just havent been posting. anyway, just thought i'd say hello to all of the true growers on here.