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  1. P

    Bud to butter ratio and cooking help

    Guzias, Thanks for the help! The only parts that I am a little uncertain about are: 1. Since I am using the flowers and not the trim, should I use the same or less? If less, what ratio? 2. Should I bake the buds at 200F for 20-30 to decarb it? Or is that not necessary since I will be...
  2. P

    Bud to butter ratio and cooking help

    Hey everyone, Today I'm making cannabutter for the first time. I will be using buds (the stuff you smoke) not trim for my butter. Most recipes call for 1 ounce of trim to one pound of butter (from what I read) but I don't know what ratio to use for buds. The stuff I have is pretty good (not...