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  1. K

    Really bad edible high. What did I do wrong? Has this happened to anyone else

    Hey everyone, the other night (wednesday) I needed relief so I bought a Korova 150mg brownie and ate half of it around 6:30. It didn't kick in until around 7:45ish and around 9o'clock I started to get really dizzy and I was on the verge of panicking as well. So I figured it would be best if I...
  2. K

    I do not know what it going wrong with my plants. Can someone please help?

    thanks dude. People are very disrespectful these days.
  3. K

    Help with first time plants. I'm not sure what i am doing wrong.

    I planted these babies on December 26th and they seem pretty small to be about 2 months old. They are under the 75 watt cfls that run all day long. I water them about once or twice a week and they are in, give or take, a 1.5 gallon pot. One day they were fine and flourishing and the next, half...
  4. K

    I do not know what it going wrong with my plants. Can someone please help?

    I planted these babies on December 26th and they seem pretty small to be about 2 months old. They are under the 75 watt cfls that run all day long. I water them about once or twice a week and they are in, give or take, a 1.5 gallon pot. One day they were fine and flourishing and the next, half...
  5. K

    First time grower cant figure whats wrong with my plants?

    Thanks but what is the act of "Taco"
  6. K

    First time grower cant figure whats wrong with my plants?

    Hello everyone, I'm a first time grower and I have planted both of these plants on the 25th of December and did a pot transplant on January 7th. I have a 75watt cfl and 2 25watt cfls on them and they have been growing for 24 days now. I have the lights on all day and I try and water them no more...
  7. K

    First time grower, please diagnose my plants? I need help!

    Hello everyone, I'm a first time grower and I have planted both of these plants on the 25th of December and did a pot transplant on January 7th. I have a 75watt cfl and 2 25watt cfls on them and they have been growing for 24 days now. I have the lights on all day and I try and water them no more...