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  1. W

    can u make lsd like this

    so did/has anoybody tried this and did it work?
  2. W

    Nice shroom trip yesterday

    so awsome, split a qauter with my best bud at my house last night played GTA4 on 360 up until the screen and car were one, we walked outside right into the the start of an AMAZING thunder and lightining storm smoked dope in the rain and watched the storm roll through. absolutely top class...
  3. W

    does anyone..

    how does it know man, like how does it know theyre not gonna burn.what does me is im sittin on a computer with nothin connected to it postin things ppl in austrailia can see man.thats pretty heavy duty man way past my comprhension right
  4. W

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    buck standard from your local dd 140-160, when its on like donkey kong and its time to get heavy duty stoned its 240, thatll get me an ounce of bud that makes me scared to smoke more than a .5 to my head and i have been smoking for over 7 years, recently i have been getting northen lights,power...
  5. W

    Growing with clones-newbie needs help

    thank you very much very informative, but if the incadescent lights are bad what would you reccomend to use inbetween the times i am hardening it to outside, it is barely touching 50f up here right now down to 35-40f at night
  6. W

    Growing with clones-newbie needs help

    my freind gave me a clone it was on a nutrient sponge now has been planted into a small/medium pot with the nutrient sponge still attached, i have the plant sittin under 3 incandescent lights, it is still small and i intend on growing it in my back yard,what steps should i take next. cheers