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  1. PaleoNM

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    what is this!!!!...i need to know!!!!:clap:having a growth situation like this at home...beautiful...beautiful....and then....beautiful.....never thought purple would be my very favorite color.....but, apparently i am open to new suggestion of happines....thnx....:leaf:
  2. PaleoNM

    sexing plants

    You can also use a paintbrush on the bottom leaves only...or if you happen to have enough and are fortunate to get a male and female in same large container you can isolate them and have your own fun next
  3. PaleoNM

    PaleoNM trying to figure it out

    Sorry that i misunderstood the protocol...just wanted to know where to go for oddly, yet to me, obvious question....I clicked on a tab and it informed me regard something about a channel and info not being relay....shit i am a 48 year old....grateful dead, pink floyd...and mental highs....just...