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  1. Hashishin

    compact 6 plant system, first time hydro!! comments, critics and questions welcome!

    Well I bought some flower nutes and a new airstone in town the other day. I was also able to drop them another 5 inches for space using my shelf brackets. Plants are coming along good, been keeping my pH in the 5.8-6.2 range. We are on day 28 and have been pruning about 1/2oz - 1oz of leaf...
  2. Hashishin

    compact 6 plant system, first time hydro!! comments, critics and questions welcome!

    Thanks for your thoughts Js, sparkafire. I did start to realise that they were too close together. luckily I didn't use all six spot in my lid!!! The middle plant is starting to get crowded out by the other two so I have been pruning fan leaves every day, bacially right back to the newest...
  3. Hashishin

    compact 6 plant system, first time hydro!! comments, critics and questions welcome!

    This is an upadate to this thread on day 22. The first picture is of the roots on day 12 (nute change day). The second and third are of the plants today (day 22 also nute change day). fourth is the roots today. last is clones I took today. Changing to 12/12 soon due to space :mrgreen:.
  4. Hashishin

    compact 6 plant system, first time hydro!! comments, critics and questions welcome!

    Thanks DP, I think your asking about my container when you say tote, it's 24 x 16 x 8.75 inches I think but is fills with 5 gallons to the perfect level.
  5. Hashishin

    compact 6 plant system, first time hydro!! comments, critics and questions welcome!

    This is my first attempt at hydroponic mj. I recently had lost of sucess with this system cloning and growing basil in my windows so I made small box and thought I'd give it a try. I sprouted a seed at the start of summer from a very good strains bag seed (only seed I found), sexed her and...
  6. Hashishin

    The end of Flower nears!!! Come see!!!

    Well I did have a Journal before but kind of abandoned it for awhile. All is well and my defs dissapeared, I put 9 of my 13 plants into flower and removed three males, the rest have been put outdoors where one has been eaten by animals (probably a bear) and the rest left alone except for a pile...
  7. Hashishin

    Leaves Browning and Curling, creeping up HELP!!

    wow 70+ people viewing and no comments??!?! Can anyone help me out?
  8. Hashishin

    Day 25 of flowering

    what strength do you use your bloom builder
  9. Hashishin

    CFL Closet Grow ( Gold Skunk, G17 )

    How much schultz bloom builder were you feeding them?? I have thet stuff right nowe and was wondering what your dose was?!?! Plats look great!
  10. Hashishin

    Leaves Browning and Curling, creeping up HELP!!

  11. Hashishin

    1st CFL grow to outdoor at 1260m (4120ft)!!!!!!!!!!

    DAy 13 and 15 can anyone help me with my problems?? follow this DAY 13 DAY 15
  12. Hashishin

    Leaves Browning and Curling, creeping up HELP!!

    Here is a link to a thread I potsed before about this only it was one of em at that time now it's 5 of em?!?! I have had these babies on 24 hr light w/ 1 40watt and 3 27 watt cfls, the temp stays at 75-80F...
  13. Hashishin

    My Journal!

    I used clean rocks at bottom of the cups for drainage, I also wrapped the cups up yesterday because of the root thing. I do have a fan in the back of my grow keeping it at a solid 75F and keeping the stems strong!! :) Thanks for the help!!! Today they all get bigger new dark pots!!
  14. Hashishin

    My Journal!

    my journal here
  15. Hashishin

    1st CFL grow to outdoor at 1260m (4120ft)!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok the clear cups have to go.... thanks!!!
  16. Hashishin

    1st CFL grow to outdoor at 1260m (4120ft)!!!!!!!!!!

    I screwed up on the days in the last post it should have been 9 days this is the picture of plants day 11 if anyone has llight to shed on my sick plants check out the sick plant link 11 Days
  17. Hashishin

    1 weird deficiency out of 14 plants??

    Ya, transplant time is fast approaching this one is at 11 days since poking out of the soil, I wasn't really expecting this fast growth.
  18. Hashishin

    1 weird deficiency out of 14 plants??

    Thanks Brasmith!!!! I was wondering about the light to roots thing in my other journal thread but it seems no one could answer my questions in that one. Feel free to check it out and give me any other hints...
  19. Hashishin

    1 weird deficiency out of 14 plants??

    Here is one of my plants that has been growing under 2 27watt CFL's in a 2.2'w/6't/3'd well ventilated space w/fan and a temp of 74F. I have had them on 24 hr light. they started in peat puck then transplanted to a high qaulity herb potting soil in 4 inch tall clear plastic cups with rocks for...