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  1. B

    bong water...

    now i feel bad. really bad. i should have never have told any who didnt know how to 'gunge a bong'. i got no doubt after the almost 10k views some will try it. some will die of lung cancer because of it as they will do it regulary and some will vomit violently after drinking that disgusting...
  2. B

    bong water...

    there you go! a harder man than i!
  3. B

    bong water...

    before you say 'no, you wont get a buzz from drinking the stuff... :roll:', maybe you should try it first? i know for a fact it will work. i know people who will 'gunge' (as they call it) their bong regularly, when it gets too dirty, filtering out the water, drying out the black crap then they...