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  1. E

    economics of mary in colorado

    How fucking high are you? It will never be that cheap. Grow your on you have no respect for quality. Master Growers who grow dank rare shit deserve their pay. 75 bucks an ounce. GTFO
  2. E

    whats an LB of TOP SHELF RUN IN Colorado

    If your from out of state. 4,000- 4,800 is what people are going to be asking from you
  3. E

    whats an LB of TOP SHELF RUN IN Colorado

    Deathstar isnt just something your gonna find anywhere. Its a clone only strain. I heard through the grape vine someone is crossing purple floX deathstar= "the force".
  4. E

    economics of mary in colorado

    That is reassuring. I just hear people talking 2600 this and that and Im scratching my head like huh?
  5. E

    2013 Strain hunt

    If you are buying from an online seedbank Stick with Sensi, Subcool , Attitude, Reserva Privada. but that is going to be a watered down version of what people are smoking. So the JillyBean from Subcool and the sensi star may not be the same funk as your local cut of it.
  6. E

    economics of mary in colorado

    Im in fortcollins and I pay 3200 for a full. fuck me I know thats to much.