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  1. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    One male Headband.....chopped him down. all females all budding. expected harvest early june late may. super automatic looking ready maybe one week left. already flushing.
  2. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    They certainly responded well to the repotting. They look like it hasn't stopped their veg growth and keep growing new leaves since the defoliation, if anything my plants that I didn't hack uplook more stressed than the cut plants. Maybe because of defoliation they don't need to provide the big...
  3. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    So today I checked them when I woke up and the Control was really sad and limp looking. I felt it was overwatering but it was the opposite they were much thirstier! I gave her about 8 oz of plain water (been sitting out to evaporate chems) and she sprung back withing thirty minutes. then the...
  4. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    Update at week Five! Today I worked on the plants and they were defoliated a bit from the last pictures that were taken. Since it has been a week to allow the plants originally defoliation, I thought they'd be okay with it. I defoliated 6/8 plants,everything except the control SD and the only...
  5. M

    How Noisy is this In-line Filter? I'm worried about noise leve!

    Amazing help thank you I will place my order tomorrow!!!
  6. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    As a botanist this is my favorite part. I want to unlock the code for this plant. I want to be able to learn every aspect and every amazing detail. Maybe all of my research will one day get me a professorship in a state that It's legal in. There is so much to learn so much to be documented...
  7. M

    How Noisy is this In-line Filter? I'm worried about noise leve!

    awesome. okay i was gonna order it and needed some advice. Do you happen to also have that recommended remote that was suggested or what type of speed control do you have?
  8. M

    How Noisy is this In-line Filter? I'm worried about noise leve!

    Quick question is this fan noisy? I don't trust the reviews and I Know a couple of you guys might have used it since its economical. check...
  9. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    Pictures as requested!!!! (Two Weeks from Flowering, They will be put to flower on the 25 of March) Here is the first one! She is the unknown seed I found she's kind of lanky with long petioles. Doesn't stand too tall but looks good. Thinking of Defoliating her a bit. Getting rid of the long...
  10. M

    Blimburn Seeds Anyone???

    I have the Super Automatic and a Kabrales in my grow cab at the moment. the Kabrales is looking very similar to the picture posted earlier. Looking very bushy, short nodes, very indica dominated. The Super Automatic is not as impressive. She is very,very short and only on her third node. I know...
  11. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    Hello there people!!!! Update on my plants. So I decided on a bunch of crazy new ideas to have a little fun with this grow as I learn the different properties of the genetics of all of my babies. On that note I decided to experiment on my Sour Diesels. All three are very beautiful and growing...
  12. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    This morning I gave them some more nutrients at half the dose and lowered the lights way more. Since the box fan is blowing pretty strong that it doesn't let the heat accumulate I was thinking this was okay. I put my hand under there and it wasn't hot at all. I was even thinking of lowering it...
  13. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    Update: When the lights came on I checked them and they look wonderful! A bit taller and more proportionate.even the littlest one is looking better.
  14. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    gws35... Fem beans, and no vent fan yet but the box fan blows air around. The base where the plants sit is opened up at the bottom so the light doesn't leak ans the air flows out when I open the little doors. It used to be a tv entertainment center if you can imagine it that way...vent fan...
  15. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    I'm not talking reusing a pot. I'm saw your diesel plant from your and saw that it was a small plant. I was wondering if it was the size of the pot that made the plant smaller. I was wondering if I would need to transfer to a bigger pot if I wasn't going to grow them too big.
  16. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    I might start a hydro system after this grow instead. Soil is nice but hydro looks so organized. 71big, I saw that you used the same plastic pot for your old grows. Do you think it was the pot that made the plant so small or was it the genes?
  17. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    I should still transfer them one more time even though I'm not planning to grow them that tall? I will look up some good mix then, I didn't cheap out then why start? haha
  18. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    No doubt, man. I'm passionate for this. If I can have a successful season, I think I found my calling haha Checked them before the lights went out and they're already looking better with the combination of HPS, 1/4 dose of nutes, and heat.
  19. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    I understand, I try to spend as much time with the plants as I do reading up. I won't gain the experience or knowledge right away from a thread but I'll gain it from actually growing.
  20. M

    First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated

    I was thinking that I did take on a challenge, but now it'll be an interesting experiment. I've done research on the genetics of my plants so I know what to expect from certain ones. If anything ill see how this grow goes, take ones from the best plants and focus all my attention to those the...