Search results

  1. bicoastal

    DNA Genetics Holy Grail Kush & Dinafem Cheese 4 Kw grow

    my bad my dog knocked over my laptop and broke it so I havent been able to upload any pictures. Ive harvested the cheese and it looks phenomenal, real heavy indica smoke to it. I'm chopping down the HGK in a few hours, the buds def swelled and densed up a bunch in last 2 weeks. I'll post...
  2. bicoastal

    4500sf Grow .... 36k Flower

    I would definitely stick with 1000s if you got the height which from what it sounds like you definitely do, my only question is why move the trays from room to room? You could do three perpetual cycles in each one unless you plan on doing more or trying to harvest every week...which would make...
  3. bicoastal

    Nute Burn or Deficiency? *PICS*

    It's NOT a nutrient burn! if it were a nutrient burn the damage would be on all the new growth sites not all the old leaves!
  4. bicoastal

    Nute Burn or Deficiency? *PICS*

    Yeah I would lower your PH to 6.2. To me that looks like a textbook magnesium deficiency but it also could be a sulfur deficiency. I would check your runoff water and see what PH/ PPM/EC it as. Whats most likely happened is the PH was too high and and all the salts from your tap water and...
  5. bicoastal

    Dropping Temps During Flowering.

    What I do that I have found to really bring out all the colors and get the densest possible nugs I follow this regimen; 9 week cycle week 1-6 86 degrees w CO2 78 degrees w/o CO2 night- 78 degree or 70 degrees week 7- 78 degrees w/CO2 75 degrees w/o CO2 night- 66-68...
  6. bicoastal

    Nute problem?

    I'm thinking you have a magnesium(mg) deficiency. Adding some sort of calmag/ camg nutrient will bring them back to life. Be sure to flush them with just water first then lower your nutrient regimen add the camg feed. You should be able to see noticeable results within a few days and then...
  7. bicoastal

    Day 51 PICS of Chocolope, Dinafem Cheese, Delahaze, and Buddha Tahoe

    Sorry for taking so long to get back, lowering the PH to 5.5 is only for a feeding or two just to help the plant get back down to its proper Ph. But I would also recommend lowering your Ph down to 6.2 and keeping that as your normal ph feed. I like to keep 5.6-5.8 for DWC, 5.8-6.0 for RTW coco...
  8. bicoastal

    DNA Genetics Holy Grail Kush & Dinafem Cheese 4 Kw grow

    Just realized I took a few pictures yesterday or day before too. First two of the Cheese again, second two of HGK!
  9. bicoastal

    DNA Genetics Holy Grail Kush & Dinafem Cheese 4 Kw grow

    Sorry been super busy last week or so and haven't had time to upload new pictures. I just took these pictures this morning, both the cheese and HGK are on day 44/45. Both of their resin production has been unreal, just completely frosted as the cheese's have definitely started to put on...
  10. bicoastal

    Flushing? Or Flushing Organics

    Yeah I'm with Opm on no flush with organics. I don't flush with my organic crops and have also been told by a few that the flavor/odor is better than compared when someone flushes their organic crop.
  11. bicoastal

    New hydro shop owner in town. What to say i grow??!!

    I would recommend using tomatoes as a reference, as they require pretty much the same nutrients as marijuana. Also when discussing actual bud growth and formation I like to refer to that as flowers, but if you're not in an advanced medical marijuana state or legal state I would use as little...
  12. bicoastal

    high electric bills help!

    Electric companies also charge more money for electricity as you use more. In my part of California there are 4 pricing tiers, with the 4th being the highest at 30 cents a kWh and the 1st as cheap as 15 cents. You may have moved into a different tier so your company could have raised your...
  13. bicoastal

    Day 51 PICS of Chocolope, Dinafem Cheese, Delahaze, and Buddha Tahoe

    Good job bro! I'm growing the same cheese pheno right now and am interested in the final smell/taste/yield? From what you've described we have the same pheno as its got a grape/gdp heavy indica style smell to it and also has those dense frosted buds. I know this is late but from my experience...
  14. bicoastal

    DNA Genetics Holy Grail Kush & Dinafem Cheese 4 Kw grow

    Tonight is day 33 and there has been a bunch of progress. The room is now starting to absolutely stink! The cheese is surprising me as it has a reeking grape/GDP indica odor to it, I'm actually really excited to see its final odor and flavor as it really seems to have some grape pheno in...
  15. bicoastal

    favorite TGA Strain?

    I'm going to go with scarylarry on the Plushberry. Definitely my favorite from TGA and it had pretty fat yield so that's a huge plus.
  16. bicoastal

    DNA Genetics Holy Grail Kush & Dinafem Cheese 4 Kw grow

    Its day 28/29 and I'm seeing weight and frost building on all the buds. The first picture is of the Holy Grail Kush and the second of the Cheese. I'm very impressed with the resin production on both but more with the Cheese as I wasn't expecting it to have similar resin content to the HGK...
  17. bicoastal

    Holy Grail Kush-8 Ball Kush-Strawberry Blue-Moby Dick-Cannalope Kush- Grow

    I'm just starting the 5th week of flower for the HGKs, they're ridiculously frosted. definitely grow big so I would recommend flowering under 12" and trellis them out, has really allowed me to maximize top sites. Strawberry Blue I grew for about a year and loved growing it, super fruity and...
  18. bicoastal

    DNA Genetics Holy Grail Kush & Dinafem Cheese 4 Kw grow

    Sick bro definitely gotta see some pics whenever you set that outdoor up this year. I'm going to try to upload some new pictures tonight or tomorrow but today is the end of the 4th week of flower and I have now increased their EC to 1.6 and they seem to be loving all the nutes still with no...
  19. bicoastal

    aptus any good

    I know its pretty late but I've been running Aptus for a year now and it's by far the superior nutrient line out there
  20. bicoastal

    Any thoughts on Aptus additives?

    I've been running aptus for over a year now and absolutely love it. I had gotten samples before it got cleared by customs and tried it around october/november of last year and haven't looked back. I use canna coco A & B as my NPK and run the entire Aptus additive line. I highly recommend...