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  1. Guerilla Grower

    Northern Outdoor Grow 2009

    what kind of lights did you use?
  2. Guerilla Grower

    Northern Outdoor Grow 2009

    sucks that someone tried to steal it but it looks nice my buds look exactly the same size as yours from the top but mine are probably bigger as i started them indoors. harvest time depends on where you live in new england but judging from the similarities in our bud sizes we will probably be...
  3. Guerilla Grower

    Does anyone Know Exactly when Outdoor Light Changes

    The days start to get shorter after the summer solstice your plants should start to flower in about august
  4. Guerilla Grower

    Ripshots outdoor Blackberry thread

    id say longer as they are from an outdoor plant which have allways been arder to clone for me and they are a bit smaller then id like
  5. Guerilla Grower

    How deep do you dig your holes?

    the deeper the better!!! more room for roots means more growth
  6. Guerilla Grower

    make a cheap trichome shaker

    can you use this with males?
  7. Guerilla Grower

    blood meal,boone meal,green sand

    sure if there not burning then it should be good for them, like you said there growing like nuts keep up what you are doing
  8. Guerilla Grower

    pre harvest treat?

    wont affect potency of bud harvested but the little nug you cut wont be as potent and that nug you cut now could get a whole lot bigger by the time you harvest but what the hell go for it if ya just cant resist;)
  9. Guerilla Grower

    Floranova Bloom + Cocogro boss

    u shouldnt start nutes that far into the plant life it needs them to live and grow just start with very dilute
  10. Guerilla Grower

    Is this passive intake alright?

    well how big is the exhaust fan?
  11. Guerilla Grower

    Outdoor plant budding in early summer??

    perhaps its an autoflowering strain or the plants arnt getting enough light during the day
  12. Guerilla Grower

    red hairs?

    sometimes hairs turn red or brown when the bud has been seeded and they die off
  13. Guerilla Grower

    CFL heat!

    place an exhaust vent with a fan up high so that the rising heat will be easily carried out
  14. Guerilla Grower

    Flowering in June?

    or its an autoflowering strain
  15. Guerilla Grower

    god damn you home depot. help!

    42w is about as high as it gets at these local hardware stores if you do decide to order online just go with a used hps on ebay or someithng
  16. Guerilla Grower

    Question on Harvest Timing???

    i dont think its gona lose much of its potency unless it finishes off dies and starts to dry on its the tricombs might fall of very crystallized part of the bud but i dont think your gona miss its optimum harvest time just harvest when you think its ready
  17. Guerilla Grower

    First grow, need some quick help.

    make sure not to damage the root system or your plants will be severely stunted also make sure there is plenty of soil for them to grow into, that is huge in determining the size of the plant and sunlight dont forget plenty of that.
  18. Guerilla Grower

    How do you make outdoor plants flower

    any time you desire my friend now if you want to keep up with maintaining a 12/12 light schedule with tarps,buckets etc... or you can wait untill nature takes its course
  19. Guerilla Grower

    Spider just messed me up

    so you pretty much kicked that little things ass nice job!:)
  20. Guerilla Grower

    Anderson Cooper: America's High

    sweet man thanks for the info ill deff be tuning in its horrible how people who need this stuff are going to be ill represented by these types of reports this is a bad situation although it probably happens quite alot the addiction though is all mental once shes off the stuff for a little while...