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  1. Dede7

    i think im driving myself insane

    Get excited, thinking like this doesn't mean you are crazy. It means you are intelligent. Think about all those dead brains out there that don't even question these things. Live life and one day you'll be able to answer them ;) Take comfort in the fact that you are one smart motherfucker!
  2. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    Love it Mr. ganja
  3. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    Sorry I didn't have time to put up pics.... I told y'all I was absolutely horrible at updates....but mechanical thinks I did a good job so I'm excited! I was so nervous about doing this by are welcome after y'all look at the pics because this is the first of many future...
  4. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    Thank you guys, appreciate the answers ;)
  5. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    A little update.....I watered Dr. Quinn and Medicine Woman last night, Mechanical instructed me to put 2 tbsp of molasses per gallon so I did. I wish I had pics but I had to delete them from my phone, and now the lights are off. I'll post some in the am... Can anyone tell me how molasses...
  6. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    I think you're my new best
  7. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    Thanks! I appreciate yall helping me out when I have questions. They do seem to be much easier than I thought they would be, usually all I have to do while Mechanical is gone is train them and nute them once a week. It is fun to watch them grow ;)
  8. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    Dede definitely agrees! I like learning about growing but I am no where near expert status.....It makes me nervous when their fate is in my hands :0
  9. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    It's been a while....but I'm here for an update ;) I'm pretty bad with keeping up with things like this, sorry guys. Day something of flower, day something total....too bad I'm not a pro like my boyfriend.. They are growing like crazy...I've been trying to keep up with training them while...
  10. Dede7

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    Transplanting them but doing the exact same things to each of them before you transplant them is not a controlled variable. You already stuck them all together and did some weird kind of voo-doo grow on can't possibly have a control just by separating them. I don't think you...
  11. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    Thanks for the help with the pics :) I watered them today and I'll probably go check on them again tomorrow night. This little guy is way smaller than the other one....
  12. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    Thanks for the support guys ;). I'm not too knowledgable about scrogging or really anything to do with growing in general, but I learn best from doing things firsthand....and I definitely have started to pick up on some things since the beginning of the babies. Also, the boyfriend makes sure...
  13. Dede7

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    This is mechanicals badass girlfriend... Hopefully if I have any questions while he's at work yall can help me out ;)