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  1. ManUFan

    Help: Flowering and WHITE leaves

    Gentlemen, Thanks for the input. I believe the pic you are referring to is a result of the picture not what is present on the leaves. It does appear "powdery" in the photo but not in person. I have the plants in 5 gallon buckets. I water usually every three days and or when the leaves...
  2. ManUFan

    Help: Flowering and WHITE leaves

    Thanks Bonz. In general how does the plant look? I will look at picking up some nutes with N in them.
  3. ManUFan

    Help: Flowering and WHITE leaves

    Hello all, I am back with a question. I am in week four of flowering and have lower fan leaves turning white. I am not providing any nutes at the moment just purified bottled water. Plants are under an HPS for 12/12. Thanks in advance for your help. How about those Red Devils...
  4. ManUFan

    Is she done flowering?

    I am laughing harder at this than if I smoked the most wicked weed in the world! I am calling my buddies just to tell them about this thread. Seriously, this is the funniest thing I think I have ever seen. And the comments, they are killing me.
  5. ManUFan

    Worm Castings: Good? Bad?

    How about as a nute? I picked up some tea bags for use in watering.
  6. ManUFan

    Worm Castings: Good? Bad?

    Hello, anyone have any experience with worm castings? Are they good? Does anyone recommend them?
  7. ManUFan

    Outside during the day and under light at night. Good idea or not?

    Sounds reasonable to me. I tend to think that the natural light and sunlight being so intense that it would be better than the artificial. Now I begin to wonder about humidity etc. The sunshine state, Florida, is quite humid. There seem to be so many variables and they are discussed to...
  8. ManUFan

    Outside during the day and under light at night. Good idea or not?

    Here are a few more specifics. I have a timer that turns the light on at 8 AM. Around 10 AM I move the plants to a secluded area. I wait until 10 because of shadows being present before then. Around 6 PM I move them inside again due to shadows and let them sit under MH for two hours until...
  9. ManUFan

    Outside during the day and under light at night. Good idea or not?

    Is there any benefit to leaving plants under a 400 watt MH light all day rather than letting them get natural sunlight? I live in the sunshine state and there is plenty of bright sunlight. Any reason not to move in and out? Cheers
  10. ManUFan

    Switching from MH to HPS?

    Thanks everyone. Its been ordered!
  11. ManUFan

    Skunky smell?

    That gives me some hope. Does anyone have any experience with so called "feminized" seeds? Is it reasonable to expect that they will in fact be female?
  12. ManUFan

    Skunky smell?

    Didnt want to see that. I ordered "feminized" seeds as this is my first attempt and didnt want to start out with more than two plants initially. I hope that I dont have a boy in there. Cheers
  13. ManUFan

    Switching from MH to HPS?

    Hello, I am about to initiate flowering. Is it worth the investment to buy a HPS light. I am using a Lumatek ballast that is compatible with both MH & HPS lights. Will I truly see a significant benefit in budding by switching to HPS? Cheers
  14. ManUFan

    Skunky smell?

    Hello, I have two plants that are supposed to be the same strain. They appear similar in physical characteristics however, one has a distinct skunky smell and the other does not. Is this typical? If not, could it suggest that the two plants are not the same strain? Thanks in advance.
  15. ManUFan

    When to initiate flowering?

    Would it hurt to start now?
  16. ManUFan

    How does this look for 4 weeks?

    How does this look for 4 weeks? It is 13" tall. Has six pairs of leaves with new ones sprouting regularly. Any comments or observations is welcomed. Cheers
  17. ManUFan

    When to initiate flowering?

    Hello all, This is my first grow. Ordered seeds from BuyDutchSeeds. Ordered Northern Lights. I wouldnt know the difference if I received something other than that. This plant is four weeks old today. I move it outdoors during the day and under a 400 watt HM at night. The plant is...