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  1. eddy600

    Hi all, im papa.

    Welcome aboard my friend. Love the rosin rolled in tobacco, I only have it when i can bum a cigarette.
  2. eddy600


    Are you in Los Angeles? I have a few extras
  3. eddy600

    What’s going on here

    Looks like you might have over watered would be my guess.
  4. eddy600

    Spray foam the grow room?

    I vent mine up into the attic above my neighbors noses. Haven't had any mold problems over the last 15 years.
  5. eddy600

    What happens if you switch to 18 hour light 5 weeks into flower with 3 to go?

    Fifty cents should buy you a couple of cucumbers, stick to 12 hours
  6. eddy600

    Droopy plant dry leaves in coco. Not looking happy.

    with most problems improvement will be seen in new growth
  7. eddy600

    Which Is Best ?

    If you have a PH & EC meter coco grows it a lot faster and bigger. It takes a minute to get the hang any style of growing i would pick Coco. Good luck in what ever you chose
  8. eddy600

    How im dealing with caterpillar's

    You should be cutting all the black or discolored mold away as you find it. I wash mine to clean all the dirt,BT & Spinosad off. I hang and dry my wet plants in my greenhouse with a few fans blowing on them.
  9. eddy600

    How im dealing with caterpillar's

    i spray mine with spinosad every 4 or 5 days. I give my plants a hydrogen peroxide bath and a double water rinse first thing after harvest. Get yourself a ladder for the best possible view of them
  10. eddy600

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    The most important part of the equation is the grid. SCE has texted me several times to cut my electric use between 4:00pm and 9:00pm.
  11. eddy600

    War Another point of view
  12. eddy600


  13. eddy600


    I would put the hung jury at 50% or more, Trumpers don't care about his false claims or criminal acts. Hopefully Rodger is correct and Smith is able to weed these people out. January 6th made me feel as if I was living in a third world country and I would like to see him rot in prison.
  14. eddy600


    What is the chance of a hung jury? Trumpers don't care about his past transgressions and would vote to acquit
  15. eddy600

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    party shooting Adelanto
  16. eddy600

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    one of these shootings supposedly happened last week 20 miles from my house, It wasn't on the local news or Facebook. I would not trust this site
  17. eddy600

    Another Republican President, Another Recession. Interesting article
  18. eddy600

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    Google has his net worth 52 million
  19. eddy600

    Examples of Democratic Party leadership

    When you posted this SSI was capped at $142000 today it is capped at $147000, My father just had a letter sent to him stating this from SSI.