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  1. L

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Cheers Uncle Ben! Do you know of any online articles in understanding NPK values?
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Hi Uncle Ben, Massive fan of your posts and highly respect your opinion. I've followed alot of your advise and have a question. I've had issues in the past with my leaves going yellow from the bottom up during the flowering phase. I use NPK of 5-4-3 for the entire Veg/Flowering cycle's and...
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    Opinions on my seedlings

    Ok I've lowered my current light to directly over my humidity dome for now until I get my cfl light Wednesday. Thanks for all the replies :)
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    Opinions on my seedlings

    I don't see any roots at the bottom of the rockwool or anything as of yet. I've just checked with some tweezers and very gently pulled her out and swapped her the right away and she has got 3 small leafs si hopefully she doesnt die through me trying to help her :(
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    Opinions on my seedlings

    My 125w CFL isn't arriving until Wednesday sadly and can't put anything in as a temp measure :( Will use a cable tie and a blunted tooth pick to give them more support for now. Did you see the second picture? Is she growing upside down? :s
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    Opinions on my seedlings

    Hi can I just have some more experienced people than myself opinions on these seeds. They are 15 days old and I've got some mixed comments on them to say the least lol. Two sprouting up quite nicely. One looking like it's upside down? Should I gently move this and swap it around? Another...
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    Help with my first grow - currently in flowering stage.

    Currently I'm only having to water every 3 days as they aren't drinking as much it seems. I think on the next feed I'll just give them some water to flush out some chemicals.
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    Help with my first grow - currently in flowering stage.

    Most definitely! I will leave the light off for 24 hours once today's cycle ends and I will go from there :) Are the Nute's I'm using ok?
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    Help with my first grow - currently in flowering stage.

    If I change my 12/12 hour timings will this effect the plant much? I mean for instance my 12 hour light comes on at 5am-5pm should I just leave the light for another 12 hours until 5am and then start using my lights 5pm-5am instead?
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    Help with my first grow - currently in flowering stage.

    No air exchange at all I'd say once the filter is off. Lowest I've seen the temperature get was 10C which was this morning. Should I be worried about the humidity? Need a cost effective way of keeping it down as I don't want to encourage mould.
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    Help with my first grow - currently in flowering stage.

    Just need an opinion on my first grow indoors in a tent. These are my two ladies moby dick taken from a mother plant. I have used Canna Coco for media mixed with perlite. Nutes I have been using are Canna Coco A+B since veg and I added bud XL & canna PK 13/14 I estimate they are into week...
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    Question re aeroponic propagators

    Just a thought as I'm new to the cuttings scene(not sure if this is a dumb question or not.) Can I use a basic aeroponic propagator and put soil/rockwool/jiffy plugs inside them and once the roots have grown through put them in soil pots? Or can I only use the mesh pots and then go into a hydro...
  13. L

    My attempt at cloning & growing from seed.

    I understand thank you again :) I've got some cable ties and may get some cotton buds in case they get to tall. I've also got a 20w light(on the box it states its the equivalent to a 200w or something maybe something to do with energy saving.) And finally I've taken the timer off of my light and...
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    My attempt at cloning & growing from seed.

    Thanks Bozo sorry I haven't replied but I've had alot of problems with my dam internet! By the way at what height should I move my seedlings into soil pots? Two of my seeds have sprouted to the length of 4CM and 5CM's but I don't see the roots coming out of the rockwool at all. I also have 3 of...
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    My attempt at cloning & growing from seed.

    Loving the set up - links would be great!
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    My attempt at cloning & growing from seed.

    Thank you for both of your replys! @Harley I will probably investing in something along those lines once I get some extra funds available :) @bmeat I have a full grow room but it's currently in 12/12 at the moment so my babies can't go in there right now thats why I had to set this up :) I'll...
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    My attempt at cloning & growing from seed.

    Thanks for your reply Red. I still have my concerns regarding the light as to wether an 11w light will be powerfull enough. I have my light on for 18hours.
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    My attempt at cloning & growing from seed.

    Hi all, New to the scene and just need some advise as to wether I am doing things correctly. I have a standard non heated propgator with dome and two air holes. I have 7 clones which I have used clonex gel on and have also started mixing vitalink seedling food into my water. I've been misting...