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  1. M

    Seeds Needed

    I order from . Regardless of who you order from you need to use a prepaided visa/mastercard gift card that doesn't have to be registered ( i got mine at the pick n'save grocery store). If possible you should send them to an address that isn't the grow house, if not if you...
  2. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    not that i am complaining, its a good problem to
  3. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    at night yes, but in the middle of day I still need to be able to remember my own
  4. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    smoke is awsome!! it hits real hard. I have to be careful not to take to many hits or I end up in a pile on the couch lol.
  5. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    30 grams dried from that clone not too bad for only a week veg.
  6. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    I cut down the clone today and it surprised me. I only vegged the clone for one week and flowered for 10.5 weeks and it weighed 130 grams wet but trimmed. So I figure it will dry and cure to just above an ounce. Not to bad considering the veg time.
  7. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    I got 3.8 total dry weight from three plants. so about an ounce and quarter per plant. its now it jars curing.
  8. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    When I said I was looking at least four o's that is because I gave a quater of the wet weight weight to a friend. I was left with about 345 wet myself and that is what I am hoping to get the four o's from.
  9. M

    i know there are so many things to factor......+rep given

    just copy and paste the web address bar on top of the webpage you want to link to and put into the message and it will do the rest. you can also type it in if you go www. rollitup. org with no spaceds it will create the link in the message box. Marijuana Growing - Marijuana Seeds - Hydroponics
  10. M

    i know there are so many things to factor......+rep given

    wheres the link to the journal
  11. M

    cloning w/ no gel or powder?? help!!

    you can root it in a glass of water on widow sill, but the chances of rooting are greatly increased with some rooting hormone but some will root with nothing.
  12. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    Here are some pic of my four cheese plants after being cut down today after being flowered for nine and a half weeks. I got 460 wet, but I don't water my plants a week before I harvest so I usually only lose about 60 percent. So I am hoping for anything above four. One of the plants was a...
  13. M

    My first female - 22 days into flowering (pics)

    Great job, enjoy the smoke!!!
  14. M

    best lights for a grow tent

    I would go with at least a 400 watter for that space.
  15. M

    Need help in choosing a light for veg

    Yeah I use all the space. Check out my journal, link in my signature,I just put up a pic of my veg room today.
  16. M

    My new toy

    that things sweet, what did it cost ya
  17. M

    Need help in choosing a light for veg

    my veg room is smaller than yours 3.8ft by 2ft by 7 ft but my 400 mh grows my clones into 12" bushes with a single topping in about two and half weeks.
  18. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    Hey londoner how are you doing? I am doing pretty well myself, just super busy lately. Here are some pics of the cut down church plant as well as the rest of the flowering plants and a picture of veg room with plants at all different stages. The little clones on the flow just went in there...
  19. M

    Church and Cheese Grow

    So I just cut down my retarded church plant and trimmed it all up and it was only a meger 4.5 ounces wet. Hoping it will be a little more than an ounce when dry. I hope that when I flower my church mother that it will do a lot better yeild wise. The church that I cut down was flowered for...
  20. M

    First Grow. WW

    it looks to me like you may have cooked them with your light to me, and you can probably start giving nutes soon just start with 1/4 to half strength.