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    takes 5000+ hits of acid.... :roll:
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    liquid lsd real?

    based on my experience, your best bet is to know your source and know your substance. try a couple hits before you purchase a vial.
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    Koosh's Throwback Classics and Fire Joints this was my mothafuckin JAM back in 7th grade :blsmoke:
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    Your first Drug/Substance

    caffeine > alcohol > tobacco > weed > adderall > shrooms > DXM > hydrocodone > benzos > LSD > codeine/promethazine > morphine > carisoprodol > MDMA > meth > heroin > DMT > LSA > mescaline > RCs
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    New Research Chemicals and Designer Drugs

    DOC and 25i-NBOMe have been all over Houston for the past year. there are tons of RCs going around right now but legit LSD-25 and MDMA are becoming harder to come by.
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    Best drug combo???

    nothing beats a good candyflip. MDMA and LSD compliment eachother perfectly. best combo IMO
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    Anyone in Colorado or Texas?

    i'm from Houston and i have family in Colorado
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    "HIGH" from Houstoned!!!

    hey RIU!!! i'm new to this site, but not to weed. i've stumbled upon this site a bunch of times and finally decided "fuck it, i'll make an account" so here i am. whats good??