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  1. Luv THC Rx

    RE-vegging my Hijack

    I am awed and impressed with your skill and knowledge fdd2blk.
  2. Luv THC Rx

    RE-vegging my Hijack

    :wall: Laughing still at the bottom of the page on that one!
  3. Luv THC Rx

    Bottled C02??

    That is great, I am going to give it a try. Cheap and easy. I used to brew my own beer, I can't believe it didn't occur to me....DOH!
  4. Luv THC Rx

    Really basic question

    Solid Info. in this forum. Also you can revert a plant from flower to veg but at the high risk of creating a hermaphrodite. Regeneration from a stalk with no nodes or growth head is impossible.
  5. Luv THC Rx

    Basic Help With Curing

    I pretty much do the same thing, trim before hanging. If hanging is not an option and appearance is no issue you can lay them out in box lids(like the kind paper comes in), but you will get some flattening. The wait is long and hard, but like all good things so worth the trouble.
  6. Luv THC Rx

    Trimming Fan Leaves

    I don't trim all of them just strategic ones, it seems to enhance the growth on some strains while stunting others.
  7. Luv THC Rx

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello everybody, just introducing myself and happy to have found this resource. :mrgreen:
  8. Luv THC Rx

    germination question

    I have success germinating right in a clone plug.
  9. Luv THC Rx

    How many more days till harvest?

    The waiting is the hardest part but well worth the patience.