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  1. W

    New apartment...

    my building is a tad unique, its completely made out of concrete, walls, floors, ceiling etc, the only place a draft could occur is the front door, but i have that weather stripped, and i dont feel a draft
  2. W


    that is very true, but dry weather will make the plant produce more resin, than very humid weather regardless of the strain, probably not a noticeable difference but still, the strain is the most important, and you got white widow farmer joe, so you should have some decent weed regardless of the...
  3. W

    New apartment...

    its a closet, and yeah i got some fans, and a little vent system set up, and yeah i was thinking of starting with two plants, i have re-evaluated my space, i think a white widow and a skunk will do me well. A bigger bulb? maybe 400watts? i have the 250 still from my last grow and it worked fine...
  4. W


    yes, dry weather produces thin high resinus leaves(good), humid weather cause larger fan like leaves(not so much bad just less resin)
  5. W

    New apartment...

    so i just moved into my new place, and like before i want to set up a small personal grow op, like 4-5 plants one 250 watt HPS light, and 2 feet deep, 2 feet wide, and about 8 feet tall, think that would work? or should i get a bigger bulb?