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  1. M

    UV Light...

    Will a blacklight help or hurt a grow?
  2. M

    My first plant! I could use some advice!

    So I'm working on my first plant, Treebeard, just to get a feel for growing and if this is something I want to explore more. And, I've ran into two issues: 1.) Powdery Mildew 2.) Root Rot(or so I'm assuming) Luckily, my new roommate runs a grow and knew how to help me with the mildew...
  3. M

    First plant! I could use some advice!

    So I'm working on my first plant, Treebeard, just to get a feel for growing and if this is something I want to explore more. And, I've ran into two issues: 1.) Powdery Mildew 2.) Root Rot(or so I'm assuming) Luckily, my new roommate runs a grow and knew how to help me with the mildew...
  4. M

    Is it OK to turn off the exhaust overnight?

    I ran into an issue with the lack of air flow and powdery mildew.... Something I found helps -not ideal I know but depending on your grow size, spraying baking soda water on the infected regions. It raises the surface pH level of the leafs and can/will kill the mildew.