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    Happy 420!

    amazing feeling :O when i sat there rolling it up for the first time, thinking to myself : I've made this! fully organic, that feeling! it's one of the best feelings i've come across! only people who have grown will know the feeling im trying to explain! AMAZING! =D
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    Happy 420!

    happy 420!!!! im smoking my first grow for the first time as we speak to celeb =D
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    Bad Meds

    daaaamn. i just saw myself in your thread. :O been pilled from like minor depressions, bipolar depression (dont know if it's the same in english) shisofrenic... u name it. started to grow my own shit. first grow are lying in the glass jars atm =D i myself noticed the positive sides of...
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    Would you be comfortable running this space heater all winter long?

    -4 degrees farenheit winters up here in the north and i've had some ovens like that help me trough the winters! the oil ones are the most reliable! i say they can run 24/7 but as the guys above says dont use a crappy ex. chord and you willl be ok :) i have 2 on max like 24/7 3months in a row:P...
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    problems getting seeds to Norway

    so. i've just realised that getting seeds here can be abit tricky. just got my seeds confiscated by the custom clearance :/ just bad luck or is it rly hard getting it in here? as we need to pay taxes and pass trough the custom clearance on every buy over 200nok(aprox:36usd). boohoo, and here...
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    breeding seeds

    made my cs generator and got air pumps etc for water movement! just wating for the silver to arive! thanks for all the usefull info!
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    Free Grow Software!

    workin on seting it up now! will use this for the grows! thanks alot !
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    240W LED Light with 36w

    You guys think it can handle 2x auto #1 and a normal plant? (thinking of vegging a photo and turning it into flower when the autos are complete) then my guess is 20hours on and 4 off. im prepared to lose some of the yield on the autos for a photo aswell, as it have come to my understanding by...
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    240W LED Light with 36w

    thank's for the input annyway! This one makes way to much noise aswell so im thinking of taking it apart to replace them for some silent ones. :P maby i can uppgrade the coolingribs(my english aint the best as im from Norway, but hope you guys understand :P) aswell? hmm. the light seems a...
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    Breathing on your CO2 generator

    HAHAHA maby im to stoned now, but what if u just put up alot of hamsters in there to power a fan or two ? CO2 and Hamsterpower!
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    240W LED Light with 36w

    ahh thanks for the input! will not use that paint then! Off to the store first thing in the morning!
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    240W LED Light with 36w

    yea indeed retierdMatthebrute! I Really should, but the problem are the heat/power those things make/drain , my landlord is kinda strict on the power usage here, so that's why i wanted to try led! hmm. maby i should get a 100Wcfl or something for supply light? hmm. soon done painting the...
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    240W LED Light with 36w

    yeah forgot to mention that im waiting for my seeds to arrive. goin for some auto#1's for starters :P
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    240W LED Light with 36w

    ohoy there led growers! im just wondering if you guys think i can grow some decent autos with this light? (Please say yes becouse it just arived at my door! xD ) 240WLed (3Wdiodes) also got 3x 16W round not so good quality led lights link ebay im currently testing out the 16W with a almost...
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    Grow Video's

    omfg just the thread i where looking for atm since i need a little break from reading myself up on growing :P wooooo thanks!