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  1. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Durban posion, extreme deficiency?

    That would be strange if it was light burn, as the canopy is about 3 feet from my 1000 watt bulbs. but we use under the recommended dosage for all our nutes to avoid nutetrient burn. I'll try flushing and see what happens. Thanks for the reply
  2. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Durban posion, extreme deficiency?

    Been growing Durban poison for numerous cycles and have never had this problem. We feed them age old when in veg, and tiger bloom and cal mag when I'm flower. Not sure what the problem is but whatever it is, it had an extremely quick onset. Any ideas what the issue is? Haven't tested the ph but...
  3. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Blue dream leaf problem

    Definitely not the worst root rot I've see. But they are a little brownish. Just seems weird seeing as how all of the strains receive the same amount of water. Hopefully that's the problem
  4. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Blue dream leaf problem

    Hello, I'm new to growing blue dream and for some reason some of my plants look like this. It doesn't happen to any of the other strains I grow. Has anyone seen anything that looks like this before? The white powder on the leaves is just diatomaceous earth. As you can see one blue dream is...
  5. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    2 Different Strains, 2 Different problems

    Yea thats what we thought to so thats what we've been giving them. Hopefully they get better soon. Thanks!!
  6. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    2 Different Strains, 2 Different problems

    Any Idea what these deficiencies are? This is Sublime OG And this is Durban Poison. This picture is of a leaf that is less affected. The other two are way more severe obviously.
  7. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Deficiency, light burn or neither?

    So this problem has happened on a few of the outdoor plants the last few years. It's never been a huge problem before. On sublime og and Jedi I'll see a few leaves with this discoloration but this year the grape apes have been showing this more than I'm comfortable with so please help me out!
  8. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    How long should I veg these strains?

    Thats the answer I was looking for thanks!
  9. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    How long should I veg these strains?

    I guess I should rephrase my question, I want to know how big they will get if I let them get as big as they can (in a 10 gallon pot) and how long would I need to veg them for them get them there? And grow space isnt a problem, I have 2 grow rooms with 3 Raptor 6's for flowering, 3 hydrofarm 4...
  10. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    How long should I veg these strains?

    So basically I just want to know how long I should veg my strains to get them to their full potential in 10 gal pots. The strains I have going are: Aliendawg Blue Cheese Blue Dream Chemdawg Deliverance 2 Durban Poison 707 Headband Sublime OG Tahoe I've grown most of these before but never let...
  11. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Trouble with Banana Kush seeds

    Thanks I'll definitely try it. I'm just always reluctant to use the paper towel method caus least time I tried that mold killed all my seeds. Probably my fault for making it too wet or something but I'm determined to make these little guys grow so I'm not messing this one up
  12. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Trouble with Banana Kush seeds

    So I got some Banana Kush seeds and I've been trying to germinate them for about 4 days now. The seeds have cracked and the root is just poking out on all of them but, it won't do anything more than that. I usually wait until the seeds tap root is about a centimeter long but these babies aren't...
  13. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Need an online seed bank

    Hi everyone, Im having a problem with finding a seed bank that meets all my specifications. I need a site that will accept prepaid cash cards/debit cards/credit cards and the site also needs to sell autoflowering feminized seeds. If anyone can list some that would be great. Thanks, Che
  14. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Did I dilute my drug test?

    I have been clean for quite some time now but I'm worried I might have diluted the test on accident. I am on the diversion program which is like probation and I live in Colorado if that makes a difference. I didn't drink an abnormal amount of water the night before or anything but I did drink a...
  15. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    trying to tell the sex of a plant

    Haha yea sorry, I take things too far sometimes
  16. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    trying to tell the sex of a plant

    What's so funny?
  17. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Would this work for growing in a swamp?

    Would probably work, but use a couple trash bags so there is less of a chance of it being punctured or torn by a rock or something in the hole
  18. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    trying to tell the sex of a plant

    Works every time
  19. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    trying to tell the sex of a plant

    If you can remember what the seed looked like then you will know. A male will have a distorted tip, and a female will have a perfect circular volcano tip. By tip I mean the part of the seed that was attached to the plant.
  20. GuerrillaGrowerAK47

    Need help picking a strain.

    Location: Foothills of the Rocky Mountians, Colorado Elevation: 8,500 feet The plan: First, I need to find a good strain for my area and start growing in the next month. My friend has an indoor place where we will start growing to create a "mother plant" in which we will take numerous clones...