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  1. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    current I think that it's not BAD for a first grow. They could be much healthier but Ill end up with some good results regardless. NExt time will be better. I just need to somehow know if i'm flushing too early.
  2. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    more pics...a week or so later
  3. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    I had given up on getting many answers here. Things are almost done now. I had been battling root rot the whole time (water temps). So I was fighting to keep it at bay. This caused nutrient lockouts/deficiencies..etc. etc. They look good. Not as good as they COULD BE.... You'll see that...
  4. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    I did another flush with peroxide and water. Added new nutes. Threw out the two males and now the females are really starting to show themselves well. The plants themselves are looking better. i pruned off a couple leaves with dying spots from all these setbacks. BUT the roots still...
  5. patrick32378

    Sugar in hydro?

    My first grow was doing great. Until I added sugars (carboload). My roots turned slimy and started rotting. I couldnt understand other than high res temps. I was just sent this bundle of nutes/additives and I trusted that is what I should use. I flushed the plants with hydrogen...
  6. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    Things looked better. Out of 6 plants....4 are definite females. One is unsure. One looks likely male but i'll give it a little time to be sure. my roots are starting to get slimy and turn brownish again. GOD #$^^. If i cut more off...they'll HAVE no roots.
  7. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    Yes, I am paranoid but something surely WAS wrong. Some had very slimy roots. Others had dark brown spots on them. My big concern was cutting the roots...they LOOK better but maybe i need to see about some kind of additive to promote fast root growth?! BCNL said to flush for a day or...
  8. patrick32378

    I would love any help anyone can give.....

    Please take a look at my grow journal for my recent problems with root rot and nutrient lockout/deficiency and offer me any advice you possibly can be it here or in my journal.
  9. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    I dont know what you mean by "so load the root" Anyway: I took the plants out of the res (i was recently told this is bad but It's virtually impossible to clean the res with the plants in it and they were only out of the hydro for abou 10 to 15 minutes). Emptied it. Cleaned it throughly...
  10. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    So i should actually CUT OFF slimy roots? The other plants in the veg. chamber DO have root rot. I'm sure this is from a few days where the temp soared. Despite my thermostat on 72 degrees....the unit heats the room to 80 and causes the box to get up to 90. For now i'm just leaving the...
  11. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    i HOOOPPPE this is not root rot . Anyone? Anyone? It maybe seems a bit yellow ish..hard to tell with all the slime. I thought it was likely from the carboload but it might make sense that since my chamber temps were high that it might be starting of rot.
  12. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    A few more pics: lesions/spot...deformed leaves....clumped roots....the mother (she had been burnt bad then i flushed, perhaps this is normal after a thorough watering)...then the 'kings' cross' with the big floppy lifeless leaves.
  13. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    It's been almost a week. I put them into flowering. Some were 5 inches. Some were 6. I still think this might be early but I'm going off advice that they will rapidly fill the flowering chamber. Here are some issues I'm hoping someone can offer advice on: At first glance..most appear...
  14. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    I's amazing. They are bigger every time i open the door.
  15. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    I feel like I'm talking to myself but it's for my own purposes anyway haha. Today i mixed up my first batch of nutes and filled the flowering res. Tonight at 9 they get put into the flowering chamber in darkness for 36 hours so that they can start up at 9am on Monday morning. They're SO...
  16. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    I've got the whole 36 hour period plan down. Now I was hoping someone could recommend a good way/time to take cuttings. I assume these plants are too early to take cuttings from. My concern is that My mother, ....would turn out to be a father haha. I also do not want to risk taking...
  17. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    That would mean i should flower them like tomorrow!! I'd really like to know if your experience is based off of this strain or if it is based off of another strain that is supposed to be a taller plant. Here are pics from today. My mother plant is still hurting despite flushing with just...
  18. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    Up to the They are growing LOTS. Not fast enough when you admire them so often but fast still. This strain supposedly will grow to 24in. when flowered at 12 inches. Actually, they say "when flowered from a cutting of 12 inches." Does this differ from a plant from seed...
  19. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    I then one day accidentally shifted the tub. Low and behold the air line to stones in the tub must have been restricted because it REALLy started to pump out the air into the tub. I then noticed significant growth and the roots really took off. My ppm at this point is maybe still high but...
  20. patrick32378

    First grow. Endless sky from Dr. Greenthumb

    THis is my first grow. I'm starting my journal a bit late but there's still lots of time for progress. I'm hoping that anyone interested will give me any advice they have...I'm all for anything that'll help with a great outcome. Sorry that the photos arent of super high quality. They are from...