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  1. M

    Its a girls :)

    You should start to see little buds after about a week or more. You could lolly pop it if you are just growing normal. Is this your first grow?
  2. M

    A little concerned about one of my plants, any input is greatly appreciated. (pics)

    If after feeding the spots increase they worry other then that you look good to go.
  3. M

    Vent problem

    Good luck. Hope it helps. Another thing you could do is pull all that maylar out and paint it white inside the box.
  4. M

    the smell of weed

    You probably dried it too fast. Have you cured it?
  5. M

    Help with new setup!!! Can't decide

    You honestly what as much space as you can get. I have a full sized bedroom running right next to my neighbors. You can get a cheap $27 speed controller. That helps keep a big fan quit. Then you can just pull the hole closets air into the attic. Then just seal up the door with some weather...
  6. M

    Vent problem

    Well add the small fan. And it is more about what it feels coming out the fan. Maybe even get the cf closer to the hood to help pull heat.
  7. M

    Vent problem

    Yeah try putting a fan to blow over the ballast hood and lamp. Toward the filter. Is there any way to get the box closer to where you are venting to. And straiten it out to not have less bends.
  8. M

    Heat pad cloning trays?

    Heating pad will help with root growth.
  9. M

    How do you know when to increase nutrient strength

    Follow the mix on the back of the bottle. I don't know its mixing rate. I use boticare and just follow what there chart says. If you are worried about over doing it then do half of what they say. Then if you start to see slow groth step it up a little.
  10. M

    What do u think??

    They look solid. If you are going to flowert with a 600w I would get them in at lest a 2 gallon (nc2) pot. But like the post above me more tubes!!!! And stay with cool white. And higher watt
  11. M

    Vent problem

    With out pic,s we can only speculate what's going on.
  12. M

    Vent problem

    Try doing this first. Get a small table fan or clip on fan and have that fan "blow" over the lamp hood and ballast. What could be happening is you are developing a heat pocket around your lamp that will end up in raising the heat like you are saying. If that dose not fix it then you might wanna...
  13. M

    Help with new setup!!! Can't decide

    It dose not matter how much air you move threw your tent if you are just dumping it in the closet. You will find that to do what you are looking for you will need to push the air out of your closet. You will need to find a new cool air from some where. What would help best is to see what you got...
  14. M

    what grow medium is easier to grow in?

    Np, any time. I personally use that big bail looking thing with the number four on it.
  15. M

    what grow medium is easier to grow in?

    You will get people that will say both are good. But imo dirt is easy. It acts as a ph buffer for you. The best answer is to just try both and see what you like.
  16. M

    Vent problem

    Are you pulling the air threw the hood? Or what kinda hood do you have?
  17. M

    is this a male?

    How many pestles or hairs if any are there where the sacks looking things are?
  18. M

    First Grow, everything look OK?

    It looks like you are taking care of them good. But you will need more lumens. I have some growers I know that went and got a sunblaze, with 8 bulbs and 4 foot long, and have flowered with that. You will need to get some red lamps to put in the mix. Like 4 red lamps and 4 blue lamps. You will...