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  1. R

    Has Anyone Tried These?

    just make sure they're the right spectrum!
  2. R

    Small Hydro/CFL grow

    I moved the kush out of the room, its going to be taken away soon by a friend of mine because I cant grow it anymore, hopefully he'll take good care of it! I also got an extra light on taiwanna so the total is now 115 watts. Heres some pics, hopefully you can actually see the white hairs now...
  3. R

    Small Hydro/CFL grow

    Would putting some of my 6500k lights on my plants do any good? And also, how long at the earliest do you think I could harvest the little ones? I just found out I'm moving sometime I'm late january. The bigger one will probably be ready by then but I dont know if it's even worth growing the...
  4. R

    Small Hydro/CFL grow

    haha yeah man hydro is great! I moved the gold kush into the flowering room and changed nutes today, and took some pics The short two in the the same bucket are the gold kush, the tall one is the female bagseed plant. I tried to take a pic of the hairs on her but I dont think they came out
  5. R

    Small Hydro/CFL grow

    a couple more old pictures the first one is an early flowering pic of my girl and the other one is one of my gold kush plants like 2-3 days after I topped it, I accidentally FIMmed the other gold one.. Also, a couple more stats about the grow! On the flowering girl (which my friend named...
  6. R

    Small Hydro/CFL grow

    Alright so I have had a relatively small grow going on since late september ( 3 plants, 2 vegging and 1 flowering ) I believe the first plant (the flowering one) sprouted on 9/26 and the other two sprouted about a week later. The flowering plant was just a bagseed from some regos and the other...
  7. R

    4 weeks into flowering first grow

    Looks pretty nice. Are you only using one light? Whats the watts?
  8. R

    first grow, first post, 40days old

    Somehow weeds found their way into your soil, you should get them out of there! Nice plants man, they look pretty healthy.
  9. R

    How to tell if this shit is good.

    It's probably straight.. It'll get you high at least, but yeah, thats not quality at all. It looks like weed you'd get from a crackhouse
  10. R

    First Ever Hydroponics Grow. Help?

    cool design dude, I hope it works out! You probably want to keep it about 6 inches away from the plant once it starts getting bigger. the best way (as far as I know) is to wrap it in a wet paper towel and put it in a tupperware container and put it somewhere dark and cool
  11. R

    Pollen sack?(pic)

    If the seeds are fems it could still be a hermaphrodite.