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  1. guyfromtexas

    "breaking" your stems?

    bump. hey anyone have this kinda documented info in a journal? ive read a couple where people claim it works...but ive probably read through over 100 journals, so anyone got a journal, some pics, anything to show either yea or nay? or anyone willing to do a controlled study...?
  2. guyfromtexas

    "breaking" your stems?

    yea i still believe in this stem "breaking" theory(even though breaking the stem would be bad, this is a fact) put it to you like this. a body builder lifts heavy weights that create small tears in his/her muscles. with proper rest and nutrition those small tears grow back to be bigger and...
  3. guyfromtexas

    Texas's 1ST GROW

    well its been a while and through alot. it was 15 inches before i tied it down and left, when i did my ac wents out and it was in 109 degree temp for quite a while i am guessing. it was very droopy and wilted looking with the leaves barel hanging on. turned on water, fixed ac, got a fan and now...
  4. guyfromtexas

    Little Black Beetle? cant find a post about it...

    yep all black, so ...? i guess ok? hope i didnt kill a guardian of my plant. but i guess i can do that job =)
  5. guyfromtexas

    "breaking" your stems?

    "AS it is true that a Bone Break when set properly will usually have a larger bone mass post heal i.e. density, the bone itself is weaker and lacking in years of calcium buildup until the equal amount of time you have been alive has passed minus bone age degradation. In other words THIS IS A...
  6. guyfromtexas

    Little Black Beetle? cant find a post about it...

    ok well things worked out well then. earlier i came home after a 2 day weekend and apparantly my air conditioning was completly out all weekend unbeknown to me. my poor plant was in 109 degree heat when i found it and all the leaves were really flimsy/droopy, with some of the bottom ones dead...
  7. guyfromtexas

    Little Black Beetle? cant find a post about it...

    =) well that doesnt sound to bad. yea i thought it weird that no one else had a post about them, weird little things. guess there will be more... well thanks guy. +rep appreciate it.
  8. guyfromtexas

    Little Black Beetle? cant find a post about it...

    got a little bucket hydro setup using hydroton. flushed today and out comes a little black beetle. looks exactly like a "click" beetle i sh*t you not. (the little black ones that you will see get stranded on thier back and then "click!" they shoot up in the air and back right side up. ive looks...
  9. guyfromtexas

    Texas's 1ST GROW

    nah he wont be a problem, i just dont want him to think of me as some guy thats going to get him in alot of trouble. but no he blows through an eight a day so im thinking he will feel like he has been let into heaven. well with all the branching which is extensive im thinking its much more...
  10. guyfromtexas

    Texas's 1ST GROW

    haha thanks jay. man your cool as shit. the one person helping me through this =) +++rep fo sho. yea man i have had a friend in town constantly trying to find the next house were going to rent, and broke up with my gf...or other way around... so ive been at bars and hitting up all my exs like...
  11. guyfromtexas

    1st Grow. Fem. Cheese

  12. guyfromtexas

    Texas's 1ST GROW

    ok. wow long ride. still no pics so really im just writing for myself. but what an experience. i have had friends and family over for like 5 or 6 days so i just closed off my whole shit. when they left i went in (this is the second time i have done this... its stealth) and wow #1 is great! it...
  13. guyfromtexas

    1st Grow. Fem. Cheese

    just out of curoisity... how many auto flowers could a mini cap with 42in Height, 36in Wide, and 18in Deep measurements produce?
  14. guyfromtexas

    First ever grow, grow journal.

    .... wish the best man. if anything else your buds should taste wonderfully with all the bullshit taken out. cant wait to see. best of luck!
  15. guyfromtexas

    Texas's 1ST GROW

    =( things havmnt been gowing well. but at least i heave learned. and one that i havnt even looked at for like a week is doing great now
  16. guyfromtexas

    Lowryders 2 - Seed to smoke....

    wow i read through all of this and then pow your friend levels your whole op. heart goes out to you bud. Bet that guy feels like shit huh? gl on your next crop
  17. guyfromtexas

    Texas's 1ST GROW

    man i know. i want those pics two, they are my firsts! well my girl was comming in on monday but she isnt so screw it tomorrow im using my roomates camera phone and i am finding a digital as soon as possible. i would just buy one, but the HID put a hurt on me. yea 2 pages of long, unorganized...
  18. guyfromtexas

    First ever grow, grow journal.

    haha i cant put up pics but here is a full paragraph about how badly you want to see them ;) man sounds good, and let me get this right, your leaving soon, your friend is take care of them for a while but they will be left alone for 10-12 days?(if i remember correctly) ... let us pray =)
  19. guyfromtexas

    Texas's 1ST GROW

    ok, fresh water(didnt get the ph tester yet) has been put in and the light lowered. lets hope the second one can go through without being twisttied upright. thanks for the guidance dro. +rep =)
  20. guyfromtexas

    Texas's 1ST GROW

    hmm. ok thanks for the info. i guess i am going to go buy a ph tester and rechange the water today. you know for weeds these things sure need alot of pampering. =) ok so an update. number 3 hasnt sprouted. and i dont think it ever will. number one(the tall spindely one) had fallen over =(( so i...