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  1. S

    What do you think?

  2. S

    What do you think?

    its in his 8th week from flipping, showed sex after the first week. i also started flushing today, will have 1 more watering in about 2-3 days and will let it dry out till Sunday when i will harvest. got no idea on what it is as its a bag seed/.
  3. S

    What do you think?

    Thinking of harvesting at the end of the week, most of the trics are cloudy, also i saw some did not form completely, being my first grow i dont know if all will even if i let it grow longer. Should i wait longer? they are flowering for 8 weeks now Here is how it looks:
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    yes, cut it down 10 days ago....ohh well
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    This is how she looks now
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    well i started to see small new white hairs, microscopic even, on the other i think i see balls :( so i think 1 female, 1 male, but i am satisfied with just 1, i will clone it and keep on going :) balls? hairs?
  7. S


    thank you, that is a relief...i will cehck also tomorrow, they are stating to look more pear shaped than balls, and i do believe they are starting to get more of a lighter color at the end from where the pistils should show.... patience is something i dont have and i need some now a better pic: \
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    a lil update:
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    i will wait a bit more, beeing my first grow and having only 2 plants, even if they are males i wont trow them out...i will flower them a bit more and make some oil or brick... i really learned a lot with my first 2 babies, and i really like them a lot, here si a pic with them....did i do a good...
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    It looks more pear shaped...their might be a possibility they will open and show pistils? or 100% male from the pics...sorry but i am trying to find a glimmer of hope
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    My first grow and this is my luck for all my plants to be males :)))
  12. S


    12/12 for a week now, first sign of flowering...are they bought males? there is a small dot on each joint:
  13. S

    Any idea?

    It is soil with 25% coco fiber, not just coco...i believe it didint need nutrients as moving it from a smaller pot to a bigger one it started developing roots into the new soil and me adding nutrients just screwed it up, it didnt finish the nutrients in the soil and i over feed it, i just added...
  14. S

    Any idea?

    this is my first grow, so i get scared a lot :P Here are some more pics of my 3.5 week baby:
  15. S

    Any idea?

    I always test my ph, it has been raging from 5.4-6, and no problems here are some more pics maybe someone will notice something new, it doesnt look that bad and i dont see it advancing:
  16. S

    Any idea?

    it had purple stems from breaking out of the seeds, I didnt yank the plant out of the pot, i transplanted it when roots started to come out of the holes of the pot, that was 1 week ago, i started feeding it 4 days ago and the spots started... I belive he gets to much nutrients from the soil and...
  17. S

    Any idea?

    ph is find,also the plant sit for 1 week in the new soil before reviving i dont think the coco is the problem...or maybe it is...anyone has any idea?
  18. S

    Any idea?

    Why the spots? A lil background, moved this plant from normal pot soil to coco, i have 3 plants, 2 i left in the original soil, i started ading nutrients, just the plant that i moved to coco start showing this.....
  19. S

    Signs of sex?

    thank you :)
  20. S

    Signs of sex?

    I am not sure if this plant is showing any