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  1. Z

    My Whole plant leafs dead??? help

    Can anyone help me? out here to safe her ?
  2. Z

    Just which over to flowering...

    First picture red hairs
  3. Z

    Just which over to flowering...

    ok ill put some up right now
  4. Z

    Just which over to flowering...

    hi everyone, this is my first grow and i was just woundering if this is normal. i just switch to flowering about 3 to 4 days ago and some of the white hairs on my plant are turing redish organ like bud is this normal or should i be worried?? oh also my buds are really hairy but yet i dont there...
  5. Z

    Am i grow right? please gave me some feed back.

    but do they look good thats wat i wanna know if im doing my job.and if its a is a she or he?
  6. Z

    Am i grow right? please gave me some feed back.

    im using 5 light blots that are 60 watts:sleep:
  7. Z

    Im new at new indoor growing and just growing.

    but the thing is ive had it for a mount a week now they real small
  8. Z

    Im new at new indoor growing and just growing.

    CFL 60watts 3 bulbs
  9. Z

    Im new at new indoor growing and just growing.

    my closet. im using bed sheets for walls
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    Grow Tent Club

    alight um ive had them for almost weeks now. there size look good? wat can i do to help it im feed it nuts fox farm big grow
  11. Z

    Grow Tent Club

    Im using Miracle-gro potting mix. and for cfls im using 60 watss or 70 idk 3 ones. anything i can do to help them?
  12. Z

    Im new at new indoor growing and just growing.

    Um im new with all the growing and stuff. can anyone tell me if im doing a good job or not on my plants? ill show some pictures. anyone have an tips or advise for me? please help ?
  13. Z

    Grow Tent Club

    Um im new with all the growing and stuff. can anyone tell me if im doing a good job or not on my plants? ill show some pictures. anyone have an tips or advise for me?