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  1. R

    Tips of some leaves going brown/dying at 7 weeks...

    Sounds like what i had, look for a thread titled "leaf based problem i cant identify" and tell me if the pics look similar. I never did 100% get to the bottom of causing it but a combined cutting out of the baby bio and daily soap solution spraying halted the problem within a day or two, i dont...
  2. R

    first grow: possibly window sill?

    Not necessarily,i mean obviously youre not talking massive yield but with the right conditions it can be done to a worthwhile standard. Case in point, mine were started on a windowsill (in manchester uk) until they reached a couple of feet (they didnt stretch too badly as i kept them on a west...
  3. R

    Hmm, any ideas anyone?

    I couldnt see any movement when i looked, looks more like fungus?
  4. R

    Hmm, any ideas anyone?

    What this might be? Plants are 4 maybe 5 weeks into flowering, grown in compost and fed comfrey mixed with a small amount of tomato feed, 2 are suffering fromn the same problem. They get taken outside in the morning and back in at night. Looks fungal to me but being an amateur to all...
  5. R

    leaf based problem i cant identify?

    Sorry to be a pain in the arse again, thought i had it sorted but it appears not and now ive just lost my fanleaves due to them pretty much disintegrating as they were so dry and browned at the edges with the white spots in evidence too. firstly it was just the lower leaves but now pretty much...
  6. R

    leaf based problem i cant identify?

    Right, theyve had a spraying with a soap solution and then a rinse, now i know its not a nute based problem theyve also been fed for the first time in a week. All i can do now i assume is keep spraying and rinsing daily along with manual removal of any of the little feckers i can see and hope...
  7. R

    leaf based problem i cant identify?

    Its an insect based problem i now believe after closer inspection, small green winged things sucking on the leaves producing the white spots, so what now? Im thinking spraying with a soap solution?
  8. R

    leaf based problem i cant identify?

    And might i add these are outside during the day and inside at night so it not connected to being too close to light or anything.
  9. R

    leaf based problem i cant identify?

    Lets start with the pictures and by saying im not coming in here half cocked, i have looked at various plant problem FAQs and cant see anything which perfectly describes my problem, anyway, here are the pics, any help would be greatly appreciated: Two of my plants have this, both are a week...