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  1. safetyman

    Just info

    hello, this is a similar site (might have been entered before)with similar interests, may be of use. hxxp:// Regards,
  2. safetyman

    Flowering with CFL's????, see this link if it works
  3. safetyman

    Purple CFl's

    my first gow in soil so i thought I would try the purple cfl complete kit, no nothing about light spectrums and just want to know if it will work, have done all homework on grow space / ventilation / tempreture,humidity / seeds/ germination / growing medium etc. replies much appreciated and...
  4. safetyman

    Purple CFl's

    Hi Seedlessone, thanks for the site info but they only ship to US & Canada, i'm in England Regards S
  5. safetyman

    Purple CFl's

    check this link, if it works hxxp://
  6. safetyman

    Purple CFl's

    I want to use a purple cfl all the way through, space is, 5' high 20" deep 3' wide any thoughts or knowledge on this. many thanks for all responses S
  7. safetyman

    Feminized seeds?

    try seedsman or dr chronic