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  1. 4

    A Challenge ...

    By the way i do love that book but Zen is far more intersting for its self. I dont know how much reilgion you have studied but if you do you may find iteresting parrelels in myth and science. thats it i am done
  2. 4

    A Challenge ...

    Ok i give up. You have a cut and dry view of what science is and that is obviously not going to change. Just wanted to have an debate about the blurring of the line between science and religion cause i think they can help each other. I know that karma exists cause i see it everyday, on the...
  3. 4

    A Challenge ...

    Science is nothing without Philosiphy, surely you must see that.... If no one had asked the questions, you would have no need to find aswers. I am glad that i am taking my time in Bio very seriously because if the scientific community thinks like you then i will have to change it all wont I?
  4. 4

    A Challenge ...

    The earth does not take 24 hours to revolve. It revolves and we chose to break the day into 24 "hours". So you are saying that you simply accept the unexplainable?! what type of scientist are you man....
  5. 4

    A Challenge ...

    I love philosiphy man! But i tell you that if you think that scince and philosiphy shoulbe be seperate then i am truly worried. Without a philisophical way of thinking we would never have had any drive to create a branch of sciences to answer these questions. You are obviously a very well...
  6. 4

    A Challenge ...

    didnt read emails thing so i will quickly respond. You need to ellaborate on how time is physical...cause i cant see any way that it is. Time is simply the word to descride the movement of everything, is it not? I am most likely wrong so please define it for me to show time is a physical...
  7. 4

    A Challenge ...

    Wow you are right... i am not speaking....thats clever man. Now try to read from the objective point of view you claim that science has given you cause so far you sound like much more like a fanatic than a man of reason. Yes the seasons change without any labels from us but i was using the...
  8. 4

    A Challenge ...

    YOU ARE NOT LISTENING. sorry that i have expressed my self badly but you need to relax man. When i say a set of beliefs i mean things that you chose to believe. Using your example, you choose to call the season in which the earth starts to shut down for the cold ahead, "autum". It does not...
  9. 4

    A Challenge ...

    Alpha i think you missed the point. Science and religion are very interetwined in my view. And the presence of "god" is not required for a region. A religion is simply a set of beliefs that you organise your life by and use to solve moral quandries. A filter to see the world through if you...
  10. 4


    OK i know that a name doesn't define a religion but it suprised me that when that that deal about Obama having a muslim upbringing came out people were freaking out. thats all i meant. Your also right about limited knowledge of Obama. i am in fact totaly apolitical and dont vote on principle...
  11. 4

    A Challenge ...

    Creationism is obviously wrong since we can see evidence of extinction and evolution right in front of our eyes with bacteria and molds(not glamorous but true) that have changed their entire life cycle to fit better into ours. But evolution is also obviously flawed since their are entire species...
  12. 4


    thanks man.
  13. 4


    i meant bad things about the planes by the way. bad.....
  14. 4


    you guys really scare me Obama is a bad guy cause he wont hold his hand over his heart during the national anthem? No its a choice if you wanna do it the British way. And whats the deal with using muslim as an insult? Of course he is muslim! Look at his name Barack Obama. So what? The...
  15. 4


    use a scientific web site. Wikipedia is full of entries by people like you who have read wikipedia. Its a great source of trivial info but you just cant trust it man, OPEN A BOOK!
  16. 4

    My first plants, help me with my budget ass situation

    ok its been a week and not single one of my seeds has germinated. what did i do wrong?
  17. 4


    dont quote wikipedia as your only source and expect to be taken seriously man. and by the way your country is in a depression so due greatly to people 20 years ago reacting the same way as you are now. you better hope Obama can save your asses or we all suffer.
  18. 4


    dude no matter how ignorant you choose to remain even you cant change the laws of thermodynamics. CO2 retains heat, period. NOTHING you can say or do will change that simple fact. I used the grow op idea cause i fugured it might be an exaple that people had experienced themselves but there...
  19. 4


    Wow from Obama wearing a gay little pin to blobal warming being an evil gore Firstly how can you deny that CO2 emissions are a huge problem? Of course they are responsible for global warming. all the proof you need if look at your gro op. When the CO2 levels are higher the...
  20. 4

    My first plants, help me with my budget ass situation

    thanks dude for the vinegar tip! thats a relief to have that sorted