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  1. LastBucsfan

    Curling down and canoeing problem?

    What would you recommend to try bringing the pH back to balanced?
  2. LastBucsfan

    Curling down and canoeing problem?

    Well I also suspected it could possibly be heat because that one was right under the lamp which is why I moved it to the back right corner...but that doesn't seem to be helping either and the temps are pretty low. The fan in the back corner is oscillating.
  3. LastBucsfan

    Curling down and canoeing problem?

    Mostly on just one of the ten girls there is a problem with the leaves "curling down and canoeing." From reading on here I thought it was too much nitrogen, but I've been giving that one just water for a week now and it's not getting any better. Any ideas of what the problem is? Here are some...
  4. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    So here are some updated pics. Most of them have responded beautifully to the transplant. But these 2 have not changed a bit.... Do they just need more time...or is there something more I should try doing? Thanks for all the help again.
  5. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    As of this morning 8/10 have responded beautifully but 2 have not responded. Do I just need to wait longer? I will post pics when I get home.
  6. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    Thanks for all your help. Everyone here has been very helpful. They are looking even better today. I found that the heat stress may be because I turned my thermostat up a few degrees the other day during non lighting hours and forgot to turn it back down.
  7. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    Here are some I just took. Noticeable difference.... the leaves are greener and there are new fan leaves shooting out of the top, but I'm sure you've already noticed that on some of them the leaves are curling in. Is this shock from the transplant or a problem with nute burn from the...
  8. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    Thanks for all your help. One last question: Any suggestion on a good soil to start seedlings in?
  9. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    So I replanted them in FFOF yesterday. I kind of messed up the root system on the first one a little bit but then got the hang of transplanting the smaller plants and the rest came out perfect. I hope that first one will be ok as well though. How long should I expect it to take to get some...
  10. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    Is it too soon to move them to bigger pots with Foxfarm Ocean Forest Mix? Or do you recommend something else with the same smaller pots?
  11. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    It was called Pro-Mix Organic. The guy at the hydro grow store recommended it to start seedlings in. I was trying to find the npk values on the bag but don't see them..
  12. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    Sorry it took me so long. It's been almost 2 weeks and i've still been monitoring them. They're completely stagnant. Unchanged at all. The soil pH has been constantly 7.0 and i water every 3-5 days depending on when they need it. I check the soil and wait until completely dry to water. I did...
  13. LastBucsfan

    Slow Growth and Purple Leaves

    My sprouts are almost a month and a half old and barely 2 in tall. The lower leaves are purplish brown color but otherwise healthy looking. 600w MH lighting 18/6 79-80F with light on. Around 70F light off. Any ideas why growth has come to a standstill?
  14. LastBucsfan

    2x 600w HPS/MH Circuit Breaker Question

    Can 2 600w lighting systems including fans be run on a 15 amp circuit breaker if it is a dedicated room and nothing else is run on that breaker?
  15. LastBucsfan

    Very Slow Growth And Drooping

    That is not good news! :wall::sad:
  16. LastBucsfan

    Very Slow Growth And Drooping

    The feeding schedule didn't really say to use that until the flowering stage though. The ph was checked after the nutes were added.
  17. LastBucsfan

    Very Slow Growth And Drooping

    These are already 5 weeks old. At first look I would've guessed they've been over-watered, but they've only been watered every 3-4 days and by that time you can stick your entire index finger into the soil and it is bone dry. The soil was ph tested and it is somewhere around 6.0-6.5. They just...
  18. LastBucsfan

    First time results

    My ventilation was one thing that sucked. I'm working on coming up with some improvements for the next grow. My temps easily pushed 85-87 deg after the light had been on for some time. Veg time was around 5-6 weeks, 3-3.5 ft tall. I let them veg this long only because I had half the number of...
  19. LastBucsfan

    First time results

    There's a good thread on here somewhere by a user named fdd2blk that proves container size isn't all that important. He had a tree growing out of this tiny pot, lol.
  20. LastBucsfan

    First time results

    The containers are 10" planters. They're like 2 or 3 gallon, I'm not sure exactly. I don't have alot of experience either considering I'm a first timer, but I'm guessing with 10 instead of 5 I could get at least another 6 oz.